1. the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.
Synonyms - composure, calm, peacefulness, peace.
Day 4 of Janathon! As you might recall (or be polite enough to pretend to), I ran a 5k in my Vibram Five Fingers on the first. Now fore thought apparently is one of my strengths, in the same way that using the kinect is (total sarcasm there, just in case it wasn't dripping out of your screen.). This is definitely shown through my choice of foot wear that day. You see, I hadn't worn them on a run over two miles in 6 or 8 months.
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The movie name is appropriate, as I'm feeling just about there. The move went well. House is unpacked with pictures hung up. We have great friends in the neighborhood AND our old ones visit. Kids are doing well in school. My wife and I are both doing well in our jobs.
I'm able to run again, with the pain from the plantar fasciitis at a manageable level. I have planned races with registrations completed.
The Foam Roller and The Stick came out for my calves.
Life is good.
1) which do you like better -- the Stick or the roller?
ReplyDelete2) I really think your plantar faciitis would get better faster if you WEREN'T using the Vibram shoes. I had to go to the podiatrist when I got it because it wouldn't go away, and she said I really should never go barefoot again and gave me orthotics for my running shoes and regular shoes, and even around the house I wear orthotic slippers. When I do go barefoot it hurts again. So it seems to me that wearing minalimist shoes would make it yours worse. Have you seeen a podiatrist?
1) The Stick. Hands down.
ReplyDelete2) I avoided them for quite a while as I let it heal to a steady point - wearing my orthotics (I got two pairs from the podiatrist as I had money in my HRA from my last job. Had to use it up before I left!). Then it hit its steady point.
I did alot of research on line regarding it - and one of the things I read - was starting to go bare foot - VERY little. Run 1 minute barefoot on a treadmill - then get your shoes back on.. The idea being to build up the strength/tendons/muscles/etc in the feet - stretch out the Plantar Fascia as well.
I also stretch out my hamstrings, Achilles and P.F. daily - after my runs when the muscles are warm, and doing some dynamic stretches at different points throughout the day.
Since I started mixing in the VFFs in daily walking (but not exclusively) the instances of my PF flaring up - are almost nil. There is a residual soreness that is always there - but its more like a tightness. I'm hopeful that the stretching/yoga will resolve it for good. (I can't touch my toes...)
If we strain our shoulder - we put it in a sling, and when it improves we start working it out through physical stretching and exercises so we don't spend our lives in a sling. Why do we put our feet in a permanent "sling"? It makes sense to me to try and stretch/strengthen my feet (VERY SLOWLY!!!)
I have a Vibram collecting problem! "Hi, I'm Haley, and I LOVE them." I think I've been through at least 10 pairs? Probably more. Sigh. :)
ReplyDeleteThe longest I've run in them was 10miles, on the road. My calves cramped SO bad after, but it was great! I usually stick to about 5 miles in them, then switch to my New Balance Minimus.
As a fellow minimalist runner, I love that sling analogy. I'm glad to see that going barefoot seems to be working for you!