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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

#Janathon - Cake and Running Re-start.

[caption id="attachment_2350" align="alignright" width="150"]1/2 of Yesterday's "Workout" 1/2 of Yesterday's "Workout"[/caption]

I suspect that at this point, after being sick and then waiting for my injuries to heal, that 10 days off disqualifies me from claiming to be a Janathon participant.  At this point, I am looking forward to Junathon to actually pull it off!

On that note, lets update you on the recent events, just in case you weren't paying attention to the few blog postings that I have actually bothered to write.   On the 11th of the Month I ended up at an urgent care facility due to flu-like symptoms.  While two flu tests throughout the week said I did NOT have the flu, I was lucky enough to have the same effects - fever, achey body, coughing, etc, etc ,etc.  That finally cleared up a week later so that I could actually be at work.  Unfortunately, in the process of  constantly coughing (and here I thought it was a great ab workout), I seemed to minichocolatecakehave aggravated my existing hernia that hasn't had surgery (right side), and possibly REALLY aggravated my previous hernia that I had surgery on.  I don't know if I damaged the surgery spot or not (it was two years ago), but I seem to have many of the same symptoms on the left side that I had originally.

Given that fact, I decided to take a week off of running/exercising past my week of from illness.  As any regular runner knows, NOT running is frustrating.  After two weeks of it (And my wife talking about how she really wanted cake), it seems an appropriate workout was needed.  A quick trip to Wegmans had me trying to decide if the Peanutbutter Cream Pie or the Ultimate Chocolate Cake was the best choice.  I decided to get one of each - in the "mini" version.   After I arrived home, I cut each of them into quarters - and the family enjoyed a piece of each!  I did verify on my calorie counter (myfitnesspal) that this wouldn't move me into "Gaining" weight, although it did push me over my daily limit - but it kept me in the "losing" category.

Now this morning I woke up to a wonderful email from my company CEO - saying we were on a two-hour delay (just like my kids' school) due to....

an inch of snow.

Seriously.  Obviously the reaction to snow here in Maryland is a we bit different from what it is in NY.  We wouldn't have even checked the news to see if there was any delay with this!!  Now of course there is a large difference in snow treatment and abatement machinery between the two states.  While the main roads had been salted here - none of the developments/residential areas have had a salt-truck by.  I imagine they simply do not have them in inventory.

Regardless, both the kids and myself had a two-hour delay, so I hopped on the old treadmill to see if I could run.    This was a concern - as I looked at how my hip/pelvis has been feeling.  By the end of the day for the last week - I have been walking with a limp, simply due to tightness (and probably some hesitancy about feeling potential pain.)  I started with my usual .25 mile walk at 3mph for a warm up, then went to 6mph for my run. I figured a three miler should tell me all I needed to know.

It went well, I felt tight -but I seem to be ok to run!  We will see how I feel tomorrow!


  1. Glad you're feeling better! I vote for the peanut butter cake.

    I grew up in Connecticut, so when I lived in the DC area and they would panic completely over an inch of snow I couldn't believe it either. They actually cancelled school once in Fairfax County because it was SUPPOSED to snow -- only it never did. I had to take a day off from work to stay home with my kids on a perfectly sunny and clear day.

  2. OMG...that Peanut Butter cake looks like Heaven...and Hell, lol.

    Yes, welcome to the DC area...where an inch of snow...or the threat of an inch of snow...will delay schools, public transportation, and create mass panic among the locals, lol. It's terrible because people down here really don't know how to drive in inclement weather.

    And, hey I also took breaks in my Janathoning...it happens. I'm glad you're on the road to recovery though. Now...what say you to a Marchathon? Think about it :)

    Oh, there's gonna be a couple of local races in February and March that I plan to run. I'll keep you posted!

  3. Peanut butter cream pie!!!!!! Looks awesome! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Roll on June :)

  4. Those cakes look amazing! Very glad I have no way of getting my hands on them!

  5. Luckily they came in "mini" size - so that it was one-night treat!

  6. Wouldn't stop me from buying one of each and that would add up to probably more than 1 big one!

  7. 550 calories total for 1/4 of both.

    We got them both, and everyone had some of each!
