About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

#janathon - Day 2 treadmill run

I certainly wasn't going to mess up Janathon on day 2!  I had planned on heading outside when I got home, but it was cold and I didn't want to go back outside.  I changed and headed down stairs to the old dread mill!  I went without my usual Netflix and watched my son play Skyrim instead.  I went with my Saucony Kinvara 2 over the Vibrams (and will for the next few days) due to residual soreness from doing the resolution run yesterday in the VFFs.  (Don't tell my wife, but I MAY have ordered a new pair of shoes today.)

I did feel like picking up the pace from my usual slow plod, so I started off at 7 mph.  There is nothing like a road-race to remind me that I'm not quite as slow as my treadmill makes me feel.  Part way through the first mile I decided that a 20 minute run would be about perfect.  Good enough to get the blood going and burn some calories, but hopefully not to much for my sore calves.

That about sums the run up!  I debated extending it to three miles, but exercised this new running-self-control that I am working on using to keep from getting injured.  Yay Me!