About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Saturday, January 12, 2013

#Janathon Day 11 and 12.

So, I know you have been dying to find out what I have done for day 11 & 12 of Janathon!   After all, we all know that I have committed to running everyday this month!

So what did I do yesterday?  I waited at a walk-in  medical center for two-hours then a pharmacy for two hours.  With the flu that has been going around the country I wanted to get a doctor to check me for the Flu and give a prescription for tamiflu if it was.  Like most people, I don't have the time to be sick any longer than neccesary.  

I don't know if you have ever had the Flu-test before, but I don't think I will ever feel the same.  The test consists of a swab going up your nose and waggling around.  Its a bit... Unsettling to say the least.  The good news however is that I do not have the flu.  It seems that I have a sinus infection, and while this is far better than the flu.  Right now, with a fever going on I find it a thin blessing (but I am thankful it is not the flu none the less!)

So today's Janathon is consisting of sitting on the couch watching James Bond movies with my wife and son.


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Robinson. Glad though that you don't have the flu. I myself have never had a flu test. LOL, until just now I didn't even know one existed. And I don't think I'll ever get one given your experience. Thanks for the warning! Moreover, I feel the best way not to get sick is to eat and live super healthfully. And as per usual I have a book to recommend. Check out "Super Immunity" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. A 56 year old friend of mine has been following Dr. Fuhrman's advice now for over 15 years and has yet to even get the sniffles. I myself have been following his advice for six months and feel fantastic. Anyway, feel better soon my friend!!! :-D

  2. Sorry you're under the weather, but I'm also glad it's not the flu because it's really going around.

    Meanwhile enjoy your movie watching and resting. Maybe have a Bondthon and argue over who was the best Bond! I think either Sean Connery or Peirce Brosnan myself.

  3. Oh my, I cannot believe I failed to mention Robinson's possible Bondathon! I absolutely love James Bond movies. As for who's my favorite Bond, hmm, I'd have to also go with Sean Connery but my other favorite is our current Bond—Daniel Craig. Note that, from a more comedic sense, I also like Roger Moore. :-D

    P.S., Think about it, "Janathon" and "Bondathon", which one produces the better result? ;-)
