Sorry I'm so quiet this week - work overload and lots of deadlines! I promise you will hear from me soon!
About Me

- Once and Future Runner
- I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
What a weekend...
The wonderful place I work, and the one where my wife just started, were both amazing and let us out of work early! We thought this was going to give us a really early start, but I forgot one major thing.
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The commissioning ceremony at the United States Naval Academy.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Spinning the wheels on the 'ole antique.
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The first thing I noticed... Is my seat is very, very hard. I think my butt may be bruised today. Now fortunately, the part of your but you sit on a bicycle seat with, is different from the part you sit in an office chair with, but still.. I need to figure out a remedy to THAT problem.
The second thing I noticed, is that cars are a lot closer to you.. When I run, I am safely up on a sidewalk ignoring the existence of cars. Well, ignoring the existence except for the occasional Dodge Viper that goes by... When bike riding, they are much, much closer. Yet I did find that after the first mile or 3, I didn't notice them. Now I do have to add that when I would come upon parked cars, I would look over my shoulder to see what was coming - but I do that running as well.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Fixing the Antique.
Well, Wonder no more! I am here to answer ALL your Once and Future Runner questions.. Yesterday, on the way home from work I decided I would stop and get a new tire tube for my bike.. After all, Max pointed out that a flat tire doesn't mean you need a new bike
Well, yesterday I headed out to a different one to see if that was the norm, or if they were more friendly.
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I went into the Bike Doctor, and almost immediately was welcomed by one of their employees.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Walking takes a long time...

Trying my best to be visible, I went with a yellow shirt, and bright orange shoes. (I have this thing about not dying.)
Monday, May 20, 2013
Birthday Run
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Saturday, May 18, 2013
Last Run of the (choir) Season.
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Despite that, I was all set to run and had plans to meet up with my running partner!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Avoiding Death on the way to work.
I was driving in to work today, which is about a 25 minute drive (depending on drivers suddenly deciding we all need to slow down to go around a turn on Route 50), going around 17 miles I think. When I saw this:
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The MSB Support Crew Running Team
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It was much more crowded than the last time I went through. I suppose that is the problem with a warm spring day (as opposed to a chilly rainy still-winter day.) I figure our running and dodging people/strollers/kids on bikes/etc was simply good practice for the start of road-racing!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
3 mile run - In pictures!
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I started out on my new route from last week, as seen in the map above. Well, kind of. You see
Most of my runs have nice sidewalks. I like these, as I feel that drastically reduce my odds of being run over by a commuter more concerned with getting home, then watching for poor innocent runners along side the road. There is one road in the route I take, that lacks these wonderful series of concrete slabs.. And it also happens to be a road commonly used by commuters.
[caption id="attachment_2653" align="aligncenter" width="490"]

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
They can't all be good runs
I headed out for my run on Saturday, after eating a large supper. Now, I know that running right after eating can cause problems, so I kept this in mind. having really enjoyed this mid-day supper of chicken-pesto melts & corn on the cob, I waited a little over two hours before I headed out. That should be enough time for the 'ole stomach to settle, right?
Friday, May 10, 2013
Dehydration or pending illness? 'eh, lets run anyway.

Come to think of it, I'm not all that sure I really had any water in the last 48-72 hours.. hmm.
Either way, sick or dehydrated - It occurred to me that today's run should probably be a relatively easy one. I couldn't see going out and killing myself helping either of these situations, so starting speed work up was put off.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Running in the Rain
Last night, I managed to get home a bit early. I had previously run a google maps to see how far her new office was from my home - 3.6 miles. Well, I was sitting on my couch looking at the clock, and I realized there were 50 minutes to go, before the end of her work day. 3.6 miles in 40 minutes? (After all, I would have to get changed and find all my running stuff!) ABSOLUTELY! So I quickly got changed, grabbed my phone/armband/headphones and opened the door... It had apparently started pouring rain....
Back upstairs, find a rain jacket, phone into a ziplock baggie. Start I Heart Radio and Runtastic, coat on - and out the door!
It was POURING! I had forgotten how invigorating it can be to run in a down pour!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
I beat the rain!
That's right.. My timing was PERFECT. How often does that happen?
The run itself was nice, although I would have preferred longer. I will continue to hold myself back and ensure that I am building my mileage up slowly.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Glorious Weekend
Well, I have been saying I was going to do my build up differently this time, haven't I?

Friday, May 3, 2013
Slip Sliding Shoe Laces.
Last Night I headed out, and the bottom of my feet were tight/sore. I thought I would go with my Kinvara's under the theory that the slight rise to the heel would give my Plantar Fascia a bit of a break. Those darn shoe laces would NOT stay tied.. In the course of a relatively short run, I had to retie each one twice! That is totally not-cool! After the last time, I was thinking about how the shoe laces had less texture than my Altras, which meant less that helped to hold them in place. It seems I do need to replace those - so why not with lock-laces? Heck, I can pick up two sets and give one away! :) (If you haven't been on my Facebook page, I am looking for suggestions for giveaways! My birthday is coming up and it seems like a perfect time to give away a bunch of presents! If anyone that works for a running-related company, such as road-id, ifitness, etc. - I'd love to have donations!)
Well, as you may (or may not) be aware,
Thursday, May 2, 2013
April Recap
April started with a 10 mile race with no training. This then lead me to take some time to heal up! Now I am working on building a solid base to prevent my annual injury.. What is coo, is that this month has been my longest mileage since March of 2012. (It seems I have been pretty lazy.. for a year.) I ran a total of 39.6 miles in 5 hours and 47 minutes and finally went over 100 miles for the year.
April held one race, the Cherry Blossom 10 mile run, and I set a PR for the distance.
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Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Unintentional speed work.
So last night I headed out on my 2.3 mile route. I can't lie - it's not far enough. I am not "Satisfied" when I finish.. BUT, I am learning from my previous mistakes and building up my base slowly. When I get to run the Marine Corps Marathon this year, instead of walking the expo (again) knowing that an injury has kept me from running it (again) and whining non-stop to my wife about it (again), it will all be worth it.
As has been my standard lately, I let my body pick the speed.( IT is one advantage of only running 2.3 miles, I don't have to worry too much about going to fast to make it through the run. When I hit the one mile mark, I heard the voice in my phone speak: