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Having been up late (hey! 11 is really late for me! I'm old!) the night before, there was no chance of getting up in the morning to work out. I had every intent of working out right after work, but I had forgotten it was my son's night for his school open house. With It being middle school, this meant we got to follow his schedule and go from 15 minute class to 15 minute class as the teachers gave us their syllabus and told us all about how great our kids were. Over all I was impressed with all of his teachers but one. We showed up to her class, and she started a conversation with one mother for 5 (remember there is only 15 available) minutes.. Then expected us to stay past the time to move to the next class, so she could finish her speech. It bothers me when people expect respect, but don't respect you.. But that is a whole other story.
My wife had promised the kids frozen yogurt after, so a cold treat it was! Needless to say it was after 9:30 when we got home. Since I had skipped out on my run the night before, it was NOT an option last night. I didn't relish the idea of running through the streets of my town at 10pm. I don't know that it would be unsafe - but it seems silly to take that chance. My kids deserve to grow up with a father after all! (Did you notice the subtle pull at your heartstrings there?)