Now, that book is not a running book- so why am I bringing it up, with this long involved introduction? Well, I started reading it at 8:30 at night (what was I thinking?), and finished it at 3:30 am, two hours before my alarm goes off. Yes, it was that good.
With a lot of coffee, and I mean A LOT, I made it through the day. Now, at some points in my life this would have been a perfect reason to skip my run, but I'm a bit more motivated. I planned 6 miles, so 6 miles I was going to do. My son and his friend were very excited at the prospect of joining me. (Although I sadly had to turn a younger boy down, as I doubted he could do six miles.) My GPS was off, as I stood talking to the other boy's dad for a few minutes, and it reported "GPS Signal Valid" after we had already been running. Needless to say, with my weighted and tired limbs, I didn't give a crap.
The run itself was nice. I would let the kids ride ahead of me, to a stopping point I designated. (They were amazed that I could designate points we couldn't even see yet! Apparently, they didn't stop to consider how many times I had run this route.) Neither Bryce nor his friend Hunter had ever been down to Crofton Parkway, so I think they had a blast! I have to say around mile 3, my body was really wondering what I was doing. I kept going, as I certainly couldn't give up in front of the boys (plus, I was 3 miles from home and had to get back somehow!)

The first mile's time started while I was standing and talking to hunter's dad - so it was waaaaaaay off. If you look at the rest of the times, you can see that from mile 4 to 5, there was a big change. Just after mile 6, my son wiped out on his bike. Luckily he fell in the grass so there was no scarring or major injury.
The family is headed down to VA Beach for the weekend, so it looks like I can do my long run on sunday next to the Ocean! WOO HOO!
Please consider donating to my Help the Homeless fundraiser for Volunteers of America Chesapeake’s homeless services.

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The book is on my reading list.....sweat deals!