I am feeling surprisingly great this morning! Why so surprisingly? Well, yesterday was my Long Slow Distance run. What? You would like to hear more about it? GLADLY!
I have to admit, it didn't start off to grand. I started searching for my ifitness belt, but had no luck. After half an hour I finally gave up - and headed out without it. (A 10 mile run with no water.. This should be fun..) Now, It wasn't as bad as it could be - as it was raining, so that should help a little with the heat, right? Right.. about that.. It stopped half a mile into the run.
But, ever the eternal optimist, I kept running. My goal was to head down to Crofton parkway, do two laps and head home. I figured I could add a little bit extra to move myself from 9.5 miles up to 10 or 11. Due to the dreary nature of the day - there was not the usual numbers of people out and about - it was quite peaceful. In fact, in the first round I only saw 3 other runners and 2 pairs of walkers! On any given Sunday - with nice weather -I could expect 3 or 4 times that many!
But I digress.
I thought this run might be trouble, I had re-taped my feet (YAY KT TAPE!), and it seems that the left one (the worse of the two feet)) hadn't been done as well as the right. Less than half a mile out (about the time it stopped raining), I could start to feel my plantar fascia become unhappy. Now, any good runner knows what to do when their body starts to let them know there is an injury there.. I ignored it and kept going, after all isn't that in the runner's rulebook?
I couldn't get into the run at first (notice my preoccupation on the first half mile?), but reminded myself that I was out there to enjoy it, not simply to log miles. I kept my head up and smiled.. It made all the difference. i was able to appreciate the now-familiar views, and was able to better watch which houses were for sale (after all, my wife and I don't plan on renting forever!) I have to admit, there were several that looked nice - but we are a couple of years off from buying. We want to let our daughter finish at her elementary school... ok.. TMI there?
ANY way... So back to the run (I seem a bit scatter-brained today!) I did two loops down around Crofton Parkway. I have to admit I enjoyed seeing the same people 4 times (they were obviously running the other way) and headed back toward home. It was coming off of Crofton Parkway that i really began to appreciate how nice GU and Water is. It was really all I could think of for the last two miles! Well, and for the last mile i also thought about 'One foot forward.. Now the other one... Now the other one.."

I did arrive home, safe and sound.. After a LARGE cup of water - I have to say, I really enjoyed the run! My feet feel quite good today, although I do have a little soreness in my right knee. I'm very please/suprised by my lack of pain, although my legs are QUITE tired! I think I am in a good position to be ready to go for the Marine Corps Marathon!
What do you do for hydration? I ask as I am apparently replacing mine!
Lol, wow you are a lot better than I. I remember the first time I ran without water...and definitely made it my last time. Now, I always carry water with me and use a hydration belt to carry the two 10 oz bottles. The brand I use is from Nathan's (http://www.nathansports.com/hydration/hydration-belts) and I've had mine for about...maybe 2.5 years now with no major issues. It serves well enough on long runs, though when I get to going past 8-10 miles it can be an issue if there aren't water fountains for me to refill my bottles along the way.
ReplyDeleteI think the phrase you may be looking for, is that I am a lot dumber than you! I have scoured my house and cannot find this stupid belt. It only has 6 oz water bottles (two), but In NY I would plan my long runs to go by a convenience store to refill it.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently drooling over the "Quench Retractable Hydration Belt" that Fitletic (formerly called ifitness) offers. They have offered me a belt (As they are bigger/better than they used to be) to write a review on, but I suspect they weren't meaning their most expensive deluxe model..
NICE! I need to reach out to some places to write a few reviews.