One of the great things about running, is that "Fast" and "Slow" are both subjective. Last night I headed out to do 4 miles. (It seems that this is my new "short" run - considering I am training for 26.2. ) My goal was to average an 8:30 pace.
I have no idea what happened.

The nice thing about an out and back? Is if your second mile is up hill - than that third mile is down hill. (Still runners there too.. I know that isn't relevant, just saying.) Obviously with a down hill I could pick up the speed with no increase in effort. I hit that 3rd mile marker and headed into my 4th, and I won't lie. I was feeling the pace in my legs. Good thing I can be stubborn right? I figured I could keep my planned pace and do an 8:30 here...
Or maybe I can keep my negative splits going and run 1 second faster than my 8:06 I had for my 3rd mile...

This was a quick run for me, although I know some of you have a "quick" pace that is faster, and some that is slower - I was quite pleased with it. I had been pleased with my time 10 days ago:

I am a little sore today as well, though not as sore as I expected. Even my feet are less sore than I predicted! It seems my body might actually be healing faster! (and that the KT Tape really helps with the Plantar Fasciitis! I will post pictures of the two taping methods I used tomorrow ) That's Excellent!
I do want to mention that while pace is subjective.. I did catch everyone that I saw running. (Never mind the fact one was wearing 25 pounds of weights, and for all I know the others were doing 15 miles...)
Please read the portion after the line -and consider donating! It doesn't take much to make a difference!
So, you have seen this on the bottom of my posts, and just skipped to the next thing you have to read. Please stop and consider this thought for me. What is $5 to you really? 2 cups of starbucks? Not even a lunch? Perhaps you can follow some of the healthy eating tips above – and spare 5 bucks from the money you will save. Please consider donating to help the homeless. We can make a difference – and your $5 donation immediately becomes 10 dollars. Donations are processed through the Fannie Mae website, and are securely made.
Please consider donating to my Help the Homeless fundraiser for Volunteers of America Chesapeake’s homeless services.

If you want to read more about the good works of Volunteers of America Chesapeake, you can check out their blog!
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