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This is the first year that they are going to different schools, as my son just entered middle school. They are both excited about it, but as parents? We are more than a wee bit nervous!
This brings us up to Tuesday, with a short run on the schedule. I got home last night, and was talking with my brother up in NY. As I got off the phone, my wife and daughter got back from her horse back riding lessons.
[caption id="attachment_2979" align="aligncenter" width="490"]

We are the coolest parents.[/caption]
We did the dinner thing,and before you know it - it was 8 o'clock. It was 8 o'clock and I hadn't run yet. My wife was in a similar situation, but decided her complete exhaustion trumped everything (been there!) so she headed off to bed. I didn't have that excuse as I was just moderately tired. I did not feel like running outside, so that left.....
The Dreadmill.
Well, that is what it is there for, so no biggie. Having just read an article that stated you should spend at least 10 minutes walking before running - I did a 20 minute (1 mile) warm up, then into a nice easy 10 minute per mile run. While running I tossed "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" on my phone as entertainment. (I have to admit, I am half way through it, and it isn't very good.) After my 20 minute warm up, I popped out my 4 mile short run, and did another 20 minute cool down.
My goal this morning was to get up at 5:30 to pound out today's six-mile run. I didn't pull it off. In fact, I don't remember hearing my alarm at all, or waking up even once throughout the night! I hope to pull off my run tonight, after the Washington Nationals vs the Marlins. My first Major League Baseball game!

I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I am excited about this! Even my kids have seen the Nationals play, so I'm playing catch-up in cool life experiences!
I'm not real sure what time ball games end, but I suspect it is quite late.. So tonight's run will be on the dreadmill also. (I don't like the idea of running super late at night. Flashbacks to my mother telling me horror stories I'm sure!)
I also wanted to ask you, my reader - hey, do you have 5 bucks I could have? It would really help me out if you donated 5 dollars (or for 10 I will send you a water bottle!) to help me, help the homeless. if you could please consider clicking on the banner in the top right corner, you would be making a difference in someone's life!
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