We all know this, but how many of us actually drink enough water? As an adult, coffee is easily available - often all day at a work place. If you go to McDonalds, they have soda machines, but you have to spend more for bottled water (they don't like to admit you can get free filtered water from the soda machines.). Kids at school have water fountains they can drink from, but have you ever thought about how many sips it would take to get the amount of water they need?
Like most healthy aspects of life these days, it seems we just need a little bit of planning to get what we need to be healthy. While I am not a fan of buying bottled water, its convenience factor can't be argued with. We send our kids to school with bottles of water to make sure they stay hydrated.
I am fortunate that at work I have access to a sink. Unfortunately the water from that sink - isn't the tastiest.

That is where the bobble comes in. Its basically a single serve Brita. I keep it on my desk and try to go through several a day.
Now my family is a thirsty bunch. We bring water bottles with us in backpacks on day trips, and a case goes in the car for road trips.
So why? What is the point?
Did you know, that for modern-man, that when we start to feel hungry, we often need a drink, not food? If you are one of those people who seem to always be hungry, no matter how much you eat, try putting the fork down and grab a glass or two of water!
Water can also help with weight loss because it helps you feel full. That means you eat less!
Being properly hydrated keeps you skin looking young and soft. So put down the bottle of lotion and pick up a bottle of water!
Proper hydration helps many people keep migraines to a minimum. It helps you sleep better. It helps your immune system. It helps you avoid hangovers.
All these benefits, yet as our primary beverages we drink soda and coffee in our society.
So, for the next week - drink more water. Try it and see if it makes you feel better. It works for me.
This was posted from my phone, so please forgive me any typos!
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