One of the goals I have been thinking about - is the "8 minute mile" for longer runs. I remember in highschool running our 5 mile course (from Seton Catholic Central down to the traffic circle and back) and doing it in under 40 minutes - much closer to 30. I was thinking how nice it would be to be able to do that IN 40 minutes (well, under would be nice too - but need to set goals to reach goals.). This is just something that has been rolling around in my mind when I look at my times overall. I see that I do a run in 8:45, and think "8 minute miles would be nice..." But I know I have some improvement to get there.. But I am getting ahead of myself..
[caption id="attachment_1197" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Evolution of the Number 8 -- This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license."]

Yesterday, my legs - and specifically my calves - were quite tired from my 7 mile run. I headed out last night thinking of doing a 3 mile run, nice and slow. I thought that might be a good move for my legs - let them rest up since all I am doing lately is abusing them (3 days of running, 4 days off do NOT a runner's legs make..) Into the balmy 54 degree weather I went (Shorts and long sleeve T-shirt in February!!! I love this winter) and felt AWESOME!!!! Even my sore/tired calves were crying "MORE! MORE!!!" So before I had hit the 1/2 mile marker, I had decided 5 miles was my distance of the day.
(Slight segue here - I got a new phone over the weekend and have not reset my Cardiotrainer settings from default. This means I get my time reminders right now. Back to your regularly scheduled blog posting now..)
The feet were flying and it all felt GREAT!!! I was concerned that I was starting to fast, but since I wasn't worried about it I had no issues slowing down to a crawl-like jog if it was needed.. I have no one to impress right? I was moving at a good clip as my wife headed home for work - so she got a BIG hearty wave as she went by! (its silly, but I like seeing people I know as I run.. the waving brings a variety into the trip) At the 2.5 mile marker, my Cardiotrainer popped out with "19 minutes 40 seconds." - I was thinking how cool it was that at least the first half was at an 8 minute mile pace. I kept going, and noticed that my calves were REALLY tired - so I was simply pleased at my time for the first half of the run while not being concerned at all about the second half.