About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

So Christmas has come and gone...

Christmas was here and visited with its mass amounts of children's toys - and has moved on!This has affected my running (And my weight), but I can't complain - only two pounds up.

We headed up to my folks (apparently its now "The Neidhardt Center" - and I had every single intent of running up there. Honestly.  I even posted on Facebook that I was going to - so that means it has to be true (Everything on the internet is true right?)  The family was definitely happy to see each other!

[caption id="attachment_1970" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Sigh.  Gotta love Gramma. Sigh. Gotta love Gramma.[/caption]

But (don't all the best excuses for why we didn't run - start with "But?") with all of the "Must See" people - it wasn't meant to be. Saturday and Sunday were reserved for the final Christmas Shopping, with my son's Maryland State Boychoir Concerts on Saturday and Sunday. (I will be posting video at a later date2012-12-23 15.39.34!)  I do have to say - that they are simply amazing.  The Parlor City Boy Chorus was fantastic - but the Maryland State Boychoir has the resources to go beyond and into an entirely different level.  It blew me away.

We headed up the previously-mentioned folks' house after his concert sunday evening.  You can already see my excuse for not getting up early and running on Christmas Eve Day!  Not after that little bit of sleep!

[caption id="attachment_1973" align="alignright" width="225"]Dimitrios and I - in his hats! Dimitrios and I - in his hats![/caption]

We (my wife and I.. This wasn't a royal "we")  finally finished the Christmas shopping on the 24th, and even managed to go visit my friend Dimitrios, and get a drink in!

For Christmas, the kids were spoiled rotten - by absolutely everyone.  From Lazertag, to Nerf Crossbows, to Xbox Games, to endless amounts of clothing and candy - I think it was definitely a success.

My excellent present?  Yup, I got one - and mentioning it even lets me justify this post as applicable to running (not that I really care about that part!)  I finally (after giving a couple away on the blog) have my very own - ROAD ID!!!

2012-12-27 11.40.06I am actually really excited about it. I run along some busy roads (when I'm not on my treadmill) and have worried about what would happen in an emergency.  This has been a key reason I have avoided bicycling as well - as my phone assuredly wouldn't survive THAT crash!  Come warm weather, I will be tackling road-bicycling as a form of exercise!

All in all, it was one fantastic Christmas break - we even got out of NY before the Snow hit!


  1. Hmm, a Road ID sounds like a good idea. I'll have to check into getting one of those myself. And, being that my birthday is right around the corner, besides my typical running gear replacement requests, I now have something new to ask for. Thanks! :-D

  2. Great minds think alike -- I got a road ID for Christmas too! I don't run on busy roads, but rather on a somewhat isolated trail. I only run there on the weekends when other people are around, and I carry a phone so Bill could come get me if I were too injured to continue to the end of the trail, but if I were too hurt to communicate for whatever reason the bracelet is a great idea. I hope I never need it, but it's there if I do.

  3. I've done two giveaways of them here, and will probably due another in the next couple of months - simply because I think it is that great of a product.

    The irony truely, is that I never got one myself! If you read their testimonials, you will begin to feel like you really, really need one!

  4. My wife decided for me that I would carry my phone when I ran. This paid off for me - as when I hurt my calves, she was able to come get me!

    I always worried though -what about if I do get hitby a car.. Mugged and my phone stolen,etc. etc. etc.. How would they know who to call? Welp, this has solved it! Now I just need to order one of each color band so I can color-coordinate! :)

  5. I already do feel like I really need one thanks to you. Especially for my early morning in the dark jaunts!
