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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Janathon... To do or not to do.. THAT Is the question.

[caption id="attachment_2016" align="alignright" width="200"]To Janathon, or not Janathon. THAT is the question. To Janathon, or not Janathon. THAT is the question.[/caption]

So I was going through the wordpress blogs under the "Running" category - and found Lengthorn's Blog about Janathon. It seems back in 2007 a a blogger came up with "Junathon,"  which expanded into Janathon in 2011.

So what is Janathon? Simple, you run every day and blog within 24 hours about it.  Now, I think anyone who has blogged in the running community for over a week has seen countless different "run every day in a month/week/year" blogging groups and thought they were idiots about joining one.  This one is not a  competition with prizes (Although it seems Junathon was when it began,) but simply a group of people agreeing to do it - and supporting  one another.

I have thought about these, but I only ever seem to find out about them after they are already started, and while the "rules" of this one say you can start even part way through - I think the whole time period would be much cooler than jumping in at the end.

Janathon is nice also, in that it doesn't require running every day - but just some form of exercise.   In addition, you also get to display the cool badge to the right (but without the question marks. I added those since I haven't decided whether or not to run it.) to display on your blog.

I'm on the fence, but thinking that I will do this.. I have plenty of time to decide after all - the beginning is only 2 days away..