1.Favorite Christmas Album/CD/Song? Totally Cheating with my response. But I am partial to my Youtube Channel of my son's last Boychoir - the Parlor City Boy's Chorus (Ignore this years band/orchestra entries.. those are a bit painful)- it has some great Christmas Music! The most amazing one is Hope for Resolution that was done with the Binghamton Madrigal Choir. It is, to this day, the most amazing musical experience of my life. (My son is the third from the left in the first row) The true amazingness starts at around 5:0o in - but to get the whole experience you need to see it all (or at least start at 2:30)
2.Run on Christmas morning or take the day off? Run. I hope. Though I don't think it will be in the morning.
3.What do you usually eat on Christmas morning? Too much. My mother makes a breakfast ring that is really a cinnamon roll in a different form. We have that, sausage balls and usually fruit.
4.Favorite holiday or Christmas tradition? My mom makes home-made peanut butter cups :)
5.Real tree, fake tree or no tree? Fake.. My wife is against real trees. I think it's a conspiracy.

6.Christmas pajamas, yay or nay? Yay! Funny story.. Growing up - we opened one gift the night before christmas - and despite hoping it was a cool toy, it was alway pajamas. Well, we went to my parent's house one year and my mom had ordered matching Mickey/Minnie Mouse pajamas for the entire family. For them, my brother, sister, wife, myself, and both grandkids (there were only two then). So we all had red plaid pajamas!
7.Where do you spend the holidays, at home, with your parents, extended family, in-laws or friends? This year we are headed back up to Binghamton, NY - to my parent's house.
8.What’s your favorite Christmas food? the Beef Roast we have for dinner. YUM!

9.Open presents all at once or take turns? Take turns. The kids that are present deliver one at a time. IT takes HOURS!!! BAck when we were smokers, it usually involved 4 or 5 smoke breaks -because that is seriously how long it took!
10.Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Story --- I want a Red Rider BB Gun! You'll Shoot your Eye out Kid!
So do you have any fun Christmas Traditions?

Wow, the Boys' Chorus is wonderful! And thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Merry Christmas!