I have always found News Years resolutions to be a bit... Annoying. In one way, it makes an immense amount of sense. What better time to have a "new beginning" - than an actual new beginning? Personally, I see some major flaws in that idea. We have just finished our most gluttonous time of the year. We (on average) in America put on two pounds of weight - on Christmas day alone. This doesn't even consider all the Christmas Cookies (Yum! Peanut Butter Blossoms!), The Candy, the office parties or left overs. Then 7 days later, we move into New Years Eve. Another day dedicated to gluttony. We eat more horrible-for-us food, and wash it down with an endless supply of alcohol. Do you realize how many calories are in most alcoholic drinks? Miller Lite is on the low side of the calorie count (And taste count) at 96 calories per can. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale moves up to 175, and Pit of Guinness (mind you all the previous drinks have only been 12 oz) is 210 Calories! Wine, isn't much better with a 6 oz glass of Merlot (147 calories), Riesling ( 144 Calories) or Champagne (159 for 6 oz) still leave you with high calorie counts in a several hour party.
I actually didn't mean for this post to turn into a calorie-intake posting! Woops!

Looking at the blogging community (specifically the blogs I read - dedicated to running, fitness and exercise), I would imagine that we are more likely to be successful with our resolutions than your average person.
Why would I say such a thing? Is it simply an attempt at patting ourselves on the back for an un-earned appearance of superiority? Not at all. (Its earned.) In all seriousness, if we look at your average running blog (and I don't mean the people winning races), you have someone who posts fairly frequently, which can increase the accountability. In addition, we as runners - set goals (PRs, Increasing Distance, Changing Diet, running one more mile/block/minute/step) fairly regularly - and work to achieve them. For God's sake - we run up and down hills, or do repeats on tracks simply to lower our time by 10 seconds! Now, I'm not giving us a free pass. We are just as able to set un-realistic goals, after all there is a reason that the phrase "too much, too soon" is so common in our chosen hobby/lifestyle/addiction (lets be honest.. That is the path. We start out running as a hobby. Then it becomes a lifestyle.. then we NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it..)
[caption id="attachment_1991" align="alignleft" width="300"]

So with that in mind, I have been thinking about my "New Years Resolutions" or, as I like to refer to them, My new batch of goals.
1) Avoid injuries that would prevent me from FINALLY running the Marine Corps Marathon. At this point, I have collected two very nice mock-turtleneck shirts, that I have in no-way earned. I would like to be able to wear them (or the third one I will get in October of 2013) and be able to say I had actually RUN the Marine Corps Marathon - all the way to the finish!
2) 750 Miles. That is my count I would like to be able to reach in the New Year. While a non-runner would see this as an "impressive" number, the fact is that if I run 15 miles a week (and don't take six months off), I will hit this goal with no effort toward it. I suppose really, if I reach Goal #1, then Goal #2 is a gimme.
3) 25 pounds. That is what I want to lose.
4) A Wii-U. I would like to convince my wife that we should have one, and get one - before the end of the year.
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These are four I have come up with, and it seems to me that if I get one of the first three, then all of them are almost guaranteed.
In addition to the "New Years Resolutions" - I am putting together my race-list for next year. I figure they kind-of count as goals as well. This is still in process, and will probably be a blog posting all on its own. So I'll mention no more on it for now.

LOL I was going to write about this today too! I'll probably do it anyway. I think your goals are very reachable, and one matches one of mine. (You thief!) It will be nice watching you meet them over the coming year...
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised that we have a matching goal. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "Great Minds think alike"?
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing yours -maybe I can steal.. errr.. be inspired by them!
I've never been a big New Year's resolution fan. That is, I set resolutions when I see the need for change regardless of what time of the year it is. But, like most resolutions some stick and some do not. As for food, or fuel as I see it, I like to think of myself as a jet and thus always take in super high octane jet fuel. That's why I latched on a while ago to a Nutritarian style diet. One that pushes for eating foods with high nutrient levels such as veggies, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds. Anyway, best of luck with all that you're pushing for and given your level of endurance I am confident you'll get them! :-D
ReplyDeleteFor me - its always the injuries that interfere.. Plantar Facitis last year, Pulled Calf muscles the year before....
ReplyDeleteHere's to hoping for an injury free year!
On a diet issue - I know I have some self-control issues.. which is made harder by the wife and kids (aka, we have junk food in the house...). In moments of weakness.. well.. peanut butter blossoms are yummy.
Oh yes, the injuries. Don't get me started on those! And yes, here's to an injury-free year for all of us! As for the self-control issues, especially when the temptation is in your home, I feel for you and wish you the best of luck kicking temptation's butt! :-D
ReplyDelete[...] New Years Resolutions (onceandfuturerunner.com) [...]
ReplyDelete[...] New Years Resolutions (onceandfuturerunner.com) [...]
ReplyDeleteAll reasonable and achievable goals for the year! Good luck on the Wii-U! And that C&H cartoon panel seems quite popular this time of year. I used it myself after seeing it on another blog I follow. LOL