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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, December 6, 2012

An influential person, running on a treadmill

[caption id="attachment_1794" align="alignleft" width="300"]If the treadmill is good enough for George Jetson and Astro... If the treadmill is good enough for George Jetson and Astro...[/caption]

Last night I got four miles in on the treadmill.  I have been running at 6 mph, with a goal of limiting the pain to my feet.  This seems to be working pretty well, but as I train toward longer and better things I don't want to be doing it at a ten minute mile.  As such, I am increasing the treadmill speed, I have gone up .1 mph per week  for two weeks.  (For the math challenged that is up to 6.2 mph.)  I have also been running exclusively in my Sauconys, also with the goal of limiting foot pain.  This has led to some slight knee pain, though not much.  It is a familiar pain though as it is exactly what I had before I wore the VFFs.   I think tonight I may do a two or three-mile run on the treadmill in the VFFs.  I will lower the incline (I have been running at 2) back down to 1 or so to help with the transition.  I see myself going with 1/2 time use of the VFFs and 1/2 time use of the Sauconys.

leftlaneLeftlane sports has the Altra Instincts on sale for $55, and Klout.com just gave me a $15.00 gift certificate.  I am going to try to get a sizing done this weekend at a local store, then I might order a pair.  Zero rise, but some padding for the foot.  Sounds like a good shoe to test out.  Apparently Leftlane sports gets a variety of sports-related shoes and gear and sells them at cheap prices.  I assume that it is last year's models an overstocks, but you can get VFFs or Altra shoes - at $55 compared to the normal $100.  I have seen Merril Trail Gloves, New Balance minimalist shoes as well.  (If you click  the link at the beginning of this paragraph and Join, then we both get $10!  It also helps me to post a product review on a new shoe!)

Back to the workout at hand - I followed up with 20 minutes of yoga to help stretch everything out.  This seems to really help with preventing the next day pain that has been so common with the Plantar Fasciitis.  I think that it may do the same for running with the VFFs, especially if I keep using my Sauconys (or the Altras if people help me by joining Leftlane!) for my longer runs.

[caption id="attachment_1792" align="alignleft" width="300"]I will admit.. I have no idea what this means. I admit it.. I have no idea what this actually means.[/caption]

On a completely unrelated note, I signed up for"Klout.com."  What is Klout? It gives you a number that shows how influential you are.  I knew going into it that I was no Barack Obama (Klout of 99), but was hoping that the initial starting score of 14 was false.   After two days of patiently waiting to find out if my words carried any weight in the world, it seems I am a bit above average!  I scored 54, and the average is 40!  I was very excited to find this out, as I felt that both of you that read my blog would be happy to know that I was an influential person.  Surely this is going to help encourage you to keep reading!


  1. Excellent post. Hope your foot gets better soon. Thanks for the tip about yoga after a run. I will try it as well! :-D

  2. P.S., Your Leftlane Sports links in this post aren't working for me. When I click either the link or the linked image I am taken here: http://onceandfuturerunner.com/2012/12/06/an-influential-person-running-on-a-treadmill/www.leftlanesports.com/invite/RobinsonNeidhardt

    Rather than, I am guessing, here:

    Hope this helps! :-)

  3. I have hurt my calves, my achilles and now the plantar fasciitis.. I may not be the brightest person - but it finally occured to me that my overall flexibility may be the issue!

    I have hopes that this will not only be a solution - but the yoga will be a preventitive measure as well! Let me know how it works for you!

    I do at least the first 15-20 minutes of the peoplesyoga.com beginner yoga.

  4. Awesome and you're welcome. Moreover, I joined and made sure you got the credit. Thanks again for such a nice post.

  5. Will do. Especially since I just recently hurt my calf and groin muscles AND have major flexibility issues as well! Oh, and thanks for the http://peoplesyoga.com tip.

  6. I appreciate it, as long as you are ok with last year's models - they have some fantastic deals.

    I see you too are a sufferer of "too much too soon" syndrome! Hopefully you learn faster than I have!

  7. LOL, I'm not sure about being a faster learner, most likely not, but my guess is we're both finally learning "Too much, too soon" is bad for us. ;-)
