So, I had great plans last night. I was going to leave work at my usual time (4:00), head home - do a quick mile outside, followed by a nice strength work out. THEN the glory of glories - I was going to go run 4 or 5 miles out in the gorgeous SUMMER weather!!
But, then reality stepped in. I was setting up the network in a new house that we have at work - and lets face it, getting that network up was more important than my planned workout. So, two trips to Time-Warner, and I had a working cable modem and had the network up. (3 hours of my day waisted because someone else had been too lazy to test the connection while the tech was there...) As I returned to MY house, we had a gorgeous sunset going on (no.. Not the one in the picture, incase the presence of the Ocean didn't give it away. I got that off the interwebs, but it is pretty!) but the temperature had already dropped from 65 to 60.
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While working is of course important, I wasn't going to let it ruin all of my plans! I got home, and headed out for a quick run. It was a GREAT day to run! Was the perfect runner's day - and it felt like the perfect run! My legs felt great and I just enjoyed myself. NO INJURIES TODAY!!! WOO HOO!
I love being a runner.
3.5 Miles - in 26:58
Mile 1 -7:44
Mile 2 -7:59
Mile 3: 7:11

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