Sunday - Brother in Law #2 comes into town in the morning, followed by a big brunch to celebrate my Mother in Law's birthday brunch. Then we headed out to my son's concert for the Parlor City Boy's Chorus (video of the PCBC performing with the Binghamton Madrigal Choir below)
After the concert, back to our place for the cousins to play late into the evening, while the

What this all adds up too?
Well, this was my "bullshit" story I kept telling myself. I was simply too frickin tired to find the motivation to go out running. A pity considering the gorgeous weather - but I just didn't have it. I will make it up today - but yesterday? Just wasn't there.
Yesterday's Excuse? Too tired. I think I am going to have to quit using that one - as it's certainly not going to be an acceptable one at mile 22.
[...] contained a lot of visits from family, and most importantly – an excellent concert from the Parlor City Boy’s Chorus. Overall it was a fantastic month, that ended with the Chenango Forks XV – another PR! 82 [...]