So, I'm a political junkie. With help from Google and NPR (Washington DC's WAMU is a fantastic station!) I have stayed up on the political scenery, both nationally and locally, as well as I possibly could. I was also very scared of what our political landscape could look like under the candidates I didn't support, and what it could mean for our country's continued existence (and lets NOT bring up the fiscal cliff and its frustrating absence in the discussions.) So how this relates to running you ask? Well, its more the lack of sleep that this caused last night. I couldn't go to sleep until the "Fat Lady had Sung."
(as a side note - I am very proud of my new state, we passed Same Sex Marriage and the DREAM act!)
But on to the running.. As the Alarm went off this morning, the last thing my body wanted was to roll out of bed and go or a run. But since, I blew it the day before - up I went. It was 38 degrees out, so noticeably warmer than yesterday! Talk about a fantastic starting point. I got dressed, and headed out the front door - and it was sleeting. So, up went the hood and off to the run. I tried a slightly different route - which ended up meaning I ran a slightly shorter distance than I had planned. (I'm sure I could avoid these incorrect distances by mapping out my runs first - but what fun would that be?)
I am having a heck of a time working out the correct clothing to wear. I was slightly chilly as I started today - which is a good thing. I finally remembered that if you start out comfy you die by the end. At the MCM expo, I picked up a cheap pull over that I wore under my jacket that seemed to work better than the polar fleece I was wearing. Now, I got the wrong size so I can't wear it in any way that people can SEE me in it - but it works perfectly under my running jacket :) The current issue - my fingers were FREEZING for the first mile and a half, then moved to "OMG SO WARM GET THESE DARN GLOVES OFF!" I don't remember my Saucony running gloves having quite that problem.. I need to find them.
It did feel really good to run though, that is a nice change! It's a wall that gets crossed every time I start back up - where the run goes from "good - but painful".... I call it good because I am supposed to... To ACTUALLY good, where I am glad to be out there!
Now I just have to hang on to my patience and keep the mileage down - to make sure my body is fully adapted. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results... I'm doing something different this time expecting different results- so that makes me not insane.... Right?
About Me

- Once and Future Runner
- I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"
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