It sounds like such a simple thing!
Yesterday, I could feel my plantar faciitis bothering me still, but the pain was much, much lower than the previous two. This of course meant I was game to try running again. I hopped on to the treadmill, put my earphones in and started up Battlestar Galactica on the tablet (it seems that the Vice President is going to run against President Roslin, and congrats to Commander Adama!) Trying to focus on "Doing things right" - I started out with a walk for half a mile to get everything warmed up and funcytoning like it should. Then a nice 3 mile run at an easy 9:22 pace, followed by a 1/2 mile cool down.
Calf stretches.. Hamstring stretches, Achilles stretch and last but not least the ever popular stretch of the Plantar Faciitis.
Of course, the question I was curious about - was how was I going to feel this morning? I woke up (Always a great start to the day in my opinion), and didn't feel any significant pain - just the usual in my P.F. and a wee bit of noise from my leg muscles letting me know I had run yesterday. Got up - could walk fine... The stairs? NO PROBLEM!!!
Now... I have no idea HOW I ran last night.. I wasn't paying attention to my foot strikes, I was paying attention to the TV. Don't know if I was fore foot striking, Midfoot Striking or heel striking. Not sure how I forgot to pay attention to that... I'm also not sure if it is good or bad that I forgot...
Ah well, we will see what happens tonight!
About Me

- Once and Future Runner
- I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"
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