It started because our best friends came down from NY and spent a long weekend with us.
[caption id="attachment_1733" align="alignright" width="300"]

We had an awesome time with them, showing them Maryland on Saturday - including the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Unfortunately (As if the picture above didnt' give it away), the quality of the food and drink was... umm.. shall we say Calorie-Rich? But it was a celebration, so it's all good! The Children all loved the National Aquarium - I think the dolphin show and Jelly fish were the big hits!
[caption id="attachment_1736" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Watching the folks in scuba gear feeding the fish in the HUGE tank wasn't exactly a case of bad timing either! That was really cool to see.
The only negative thing I can say about the National Aquarium, is that their coral reef exhibit was really lacking. The only reason I noticed this, was from keeping a large salt-water reef-tank, and from seeing the AMAZING tank at the Georgia Aquarium! In other words, if you haven't done those two things - then even the reef tank is probably pretty cool!
Bubba Gump Shrimp was also an interesting restaurant - it is entirely Forest Gump themed. Food was also quite good.

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We were also able to introduce them to our local friends (I've written about them before,) which was nice - that way both the old and new who the heck we were referring to when we talked about the other side! It was a great visit. In fact the only things I dislike about our move - is moving so far from friends and family.
Back to the local friends - last week I took Dan running with me. We did a mile and a half - I figured that would be a good distance for a new runner. He held up well, I suspect pride wouldn't have let him do otherwise! We were unable to run together again that week, but he said he hurt for 3 days! I am hoping we will get to run Saturday and Sunday, but at least on sunday... 60 DEGREES!!!!!!
I have been running in two-mile increments on the treadmill. I found doing much more than that causes my Plantar Fascitis to bother me a bit more. I am doubling up and doing a morning 2 miles, and an evening 2 miles - to try to get a we bit more mileage in, and it seems to be ok as far as my feet are concerned. I have also added Yoga in to my rotation. It will help with doing some upper body as well as core work - with the added bonus of (hopefully) making me more flexible through the hamstrings/calves/feet - and might help alleviate the PF!
I will say that whomever claimed Yoga was relaxing, needs to be smacked... With a shovel.
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