I won! A true victory! Now, what is this amazing victory you ask? I GOT OUT OF BED IN TIME TO RUN!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!! Apparently the post-election hangover, compounded by a post-stay-up-late-making-sure-your-son-does-2-weeks-of-homework-at-once, hits pretty hard! We got a wonderful note (the communication was wonderful, not the content of the note) from my son's fifth grade teacher. It seems he hasn't been doing his homework (and his test grades show this.) He also hasn't been bringing home the notes from the teacher telling us he hasn't done his homework (thus showing he IS an intelligent child capable of more.)
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But none of these have ANYTHING To do with running, so let's get back to that... I figure if I don't talk about running occasionally, how can I claim to be a running blog? So, as for my personal victory this morning - The alarm went off and through my bleary eyes I saw clearly that it was *:** o'clock.. after wiping my eyes so I could see clearly, it became 6:30. Crap. Time to get up and run. I came up with 10 reasons I shouldn't get up, rationalizing how I deserved the additional 30 minutes of sleep. Looked at the temperature outside (40 degrees) and realized there was NO way I was going to pass on 40 degree temperatures. That of course took me 10 minutes to go through, but I did then rushed around getting ready and headed out the door.
I decided on the same route as yesterday, but in the other direction. My hope was I would get to wave to my wife as she headed off to work! My legs were tired.. This trying to get a proper pace is not getting its proper attention from me. I suspect that because I am running the shorter distances faster than might be advisable, I am tiring my legs out. (Or maybe I am just rationalizing why my fat-out-of-shape-self can't run 2.5 miles without being tired and sore the next day.) Part of my thought process here - is that I am getting faster with the runs (todays 2.3 mile run was in 19:05. on Oct. 28th it was 20:30), and going faster and (a little) farther in the less time then a couple of weeks ago.

I need to slow it down, and start paying attention to it, as I would really like to be increasing my distance. I truly don't feel like a runner when my daily run isn't even three miles. But then on the same note - this may be helping to keep my mileage low, and only have small increases in distance - which is part of my plan toward not doing too much to soon and finding a new injury.
Its frustrating.. I just want to run, without injury and enjoy it. It's hard to know which way to do things to achieve my results the best. I do not want to lose my running season for the third year in a row. An amazing thing to be worried about when you consider it doesn't even start until spring...

Weight wise - I went up a pound from the visit home, and the fast food eaten over the weekend. On my morning visit with my scale, I found out that weight went away as of this morning! Yay! Go me!
In case anyone wondered, this is "Donkey":

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