This morning was the first morning I pulled my sorry butt out of bed in time to run. I had planned on doing my 2.5 mile route, but didn't get out quite in time! In stead I did 1.6 miles, but picked up the pace from where I have been. My average was an 8:13 mile according to Runtastic. Good thing the run wasn't any longer, I doubt I could have kept that up! This run was in my bright red Vibram Five Fingers.
I am hoping to get the chance to add another couple of miles in tonight, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. It's why I ran this morning and plan on continuing my morning runs. I can make time then, and it doesn't take away from the family in any way!
On an odd note.. I couldn't find my keys this morning. I looked for over an our and a half before I found them in the pocket of a coat I hadn't worn in quite a while.. Certainly not last night! Anyone have any theories on how my keys ended up in an un-worn coat?
As there are two giant bowls of Halloween Candy sitting on our kitchen table, I thought I would try to keep myself accountable for my actions! I will be ending each blog posting with my total number of pieced of candy eaten for the foreseeable future.
Candy eaten in the last 24 hours: 0
Total pieced of Halloween Candy Eaten: 0
i wish i could say the same...damn you reeses peanut butter cups!