So I pulled the tape off that I have had on my foot for 4 or 5 days. The tape was not quite in the same shiny white condition it had been. In fact,I think the technical term would be - nasty. But I hadn't been wearing it as a fashion statement, instead I had been wearing it as I had been able to walk mostly pain-free with the tape. Having removed it, my first question was how much it would (or wouldn't) hurt to walk with its absence. so I was curious as to how it would do without the tape. The foot-log felt good with out the tape, so I tried walking. there was some uncomfortableness (is that a word?) when I walked - so I decided (With my wife's brilliant input) to re-tape it. Well, that means I asked my wife to re-tape it and she agreed. Have you ever tried to tape your own foot?
I miss running.
About Me

- Once and Future Runner
- I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"
hang in there, you'll be back at it in no time. :)