[caption id="attachment_1466" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Gratuitous picture of my daughter and her cat.
Not related to anything in the posting."]

So I have been quiet lately. As you may recall I went trail-running with Derek on Saturday April 7th, and ended up with a sore foot. Well, I took a week off of running, using my elliptical until Saturday April 14th. At that point the only "pain" I had was a dull throb in the front of my heel that felt like I had a rock in my shoe. (Yes, I checked. No rock.) I decided to head out for a short run of around 3 miles, with a plan of 5-7 on sunday.
The run felt awesome. My heel let up a bit, so that I wasn't even noticing it. It always amazes me how great it feels to be out there after a break. I was enjoying it - until I passed the "mile 2" marker. My foot became more noticeable. It wasn't excruciating, nor even bad enough to mess with my running form that I could notice. After I got back home, I stretched using static stretches held for 10 seconds. AFter showering it

Being Mr. Tech guy, I grabbed ice for my foot - and immediately began researching online. The first thing I discovered was that there is a lot of conflicting information on it. While this didn't surprise me, it was annoying as hell. I immediately ruled out any site that mentioned cutting the Plantar Fascia or the Achilles Tendon as acceptable solutions. I then eliminated any that included orthotic inserts as a "necessary" solution. Being "A" solution was fine, just not a required one.
You would be amazed at how many that eliminated.
[caption id="attachment_1462" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The Footlog!"]

I tripped across the website of "Coach Ron Jones." When I first found his site, I was sure it was going to be marketing something. If you click on the link you will see why. I was wrong, instead what he had - was a great write-up of all of the "cures" he had found or heard of - for Plantar Fasciitis. Some of them were a bit out there (hitting it with a rubber mallet for example), and others were the "same old, same old" as every other website. His BIGGEST recommendation, and what worked for him (and he did make point to say that your mileage may vary) was the "footlog." His statement of "Behold! The Holy Grail of Foot Fixes! The $25 dollar solution to my chronic pain that has allowed me to get back my active lifestyle! " definitely caught my attention. Especially when you note he does NOT sell it. I ordered it yesterday, and yes - I am tracking it online like an idiot:
Date | Time | Location | Event Details |
April 17, 2012 | 12:09:00 AM | Indianapolis IN US | Departure Scan |
April 16, 2012 | 06:00:00 PM | Indianapolis IN US | Shipment received by carrier |
April 16, 2012 | 01:47:49 PM | Whitestown IN US | Shipment has left seller facility and is in transit |
[caption id="attachment_1464" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Ah my old friend, we meet again."]

In addition to this "footlog" - he also recommended my favorite running tool - The Stick! Regarding his case of Plantar Fasciitis and the stick he said: " Many times plantar fasciitis can actually be caused by tightness on the back of the calf muscle in the area of the soleus muscle. Using trigger point release, one can alleviate the plantar pain. I use The Stick massage tool for the trigger points on my rear calf area." Considering my long-standing issues with my calves, this made an immense amount of sense to me. After reading this, I grabbed my stick and started going to town on my calf. I did indeed find my "Trigger Point" - on the inside of my leg. I went to town on it for a couple of minutes on it. I don't know that it helped, but it was certainly a spot that was so tight - it hurt!
I want to pause and mention that both of these tools go very well with Maureen's advice of massage. :) unfortunately a trip to a local massage place isn't in the budget right now - as I have to pay for the summer-programs for my kids.
Ironically he also mentioned VFFs as something that helped him.
On Sunday my foot was still painful, although somewhat better. Apparently that spot on my calf is connected (pun intended) to the pain in my foot as - now instead of just the bottom of my foot hurting, the calf and foot would throb at the same time!
While it was even better by monday, it was still hurting to walk normally, so I headed ot my doctors. I met with the nurse practitioner, who was impressed by my internet research skills. She confirmed that it was possible to cause acute Plantar Fasciitis through trauma (aka stepping on a pointy rock in almost worn through Vibram Five Finger Bikilas), and agreed that this was most likely what I was dealing with. She gave me a presription for neproxin, and encouraged the continuing of ice and my massage. She also gave me some exercises to do. She was also able to answer some questions for me.
[caption id="attachment_1465" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="My ice bottle under my desk at work!"]

Today at work I have a frozen water bottle that I am running back and forth under my sock-foot to ice and massage it. No longer than 20 minutes at a time!
So it looks like I have more elliptical training in my near-future. It is not as satisfying as running, but I am still just glad I have it!! I think I may stop by the YMCA to see how they do their lap-swims.
Wow!! My name mentioned by someone almost famous!! So, I see my prediction was unfortunately true. Glad you are using the water bottle ice technique, it's one of my favorites to recommend. 1. - Not sure if you have ever bartered before but it's possible that you have things/skills you can barter for a massage. If you are lucky enough to find someone please make sure that they are trained in sports massage or injury management techniques. 2. - Trigger point therapy treatment needs to be done judiciously. You should never apply pressure to a spot for more than 2 minutes. It is counterproductive, the muscle re-fires into the pain/spasm cycle. Which is why you are now experiencing pain in the calf and the foot at the same time. 3. - Try heel stretching, listen to your NP and keep moving!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I classify as "almost famous," more like "with to much free time on his hands - but you are definitely worth mentioning! I appreciate your input, thank you! You have helped me learn things and that is definitely appreciated!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, while I do know several massage therapists - none of them are sports massage. I will definitely contact them about what they know on injury management. I may be able to barter some home-made wine/mead.... :)
hmmm.. Thank you for that info on the trigger point!! The "matching-pain" has let up - so I will do more research on "trigger point massage", and keep the time limit down. My goal certainly isn't to help draw out how long the pain lasts!
I am doing the heel stretches, massage, exercises, ice bottle etc... I am already back to the point I can walk normally, although I am wearing shoes with a stiff sole to help cut down on the amount of flexing I am doing to the plantar facia. For Obvious reasons, I am passing on the 5k I was going to do this weekend, but I think I should be fine for my 1/2 marathon on May 5th.
[...] into a sharp rock, and really ticked off the Plantar Fascia on the bottom of my right foot. I visited a doctor, tried the foot log (which did help although it didn’t’ solve the problem), and [...]
ReplyDelete[...] focused in on solutions involving exercises and the like. I tripped across the site of “Coach Ron Jones.” While he is still just an example of one – I found his “solutions” to [...]