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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Got up again! 3 miles done, running in a winter wonderland!

This post is a repost from my WordPress Blog

  So, I got myself out of bed this morning - much to the unhappiness of a previously content purring kitty. After yesterday's experience I made sure I had everything laid out for nice and easy access in the morning. It definitely made the process of getting ready easier. It also helped to make up for extra time spent making that kitty so content!

So, got the music going, clothes on, and tossed on the Vibram Five Fingers - opened the door to a sea of white. It seems we got some snow last night! (I like snow.) This made me a bit apprehensive - as I have been wondering how my VFFs would hold up in the fluffy white stuff. Yet - at the same time, it was exciting! I get to leave TOE FOOT PRINTS!!!! (Sometimes we runners are a simple folk...)

Off I went, ignoring the protestations of my legs. They still aren't fans of the lack of warm up.. (Meaning all day walking around before running in the evening) But, like two little engines that could, we headed up the slight incline to Rec Park and proceeded to do 3 miles. I did come to a near-stop at any point that I was going to turn a corner in an effort to keep my visions of slipping and falling on my butt as visions and not reality. It seems to have worked as I didn't og down!

Totally stole this picture from myfivefingers.com

Based on the foot prints I saw - there were other runners out earlier than I was, but not many. NONE of them had excellent toe foot prints! On a serious note, it was really hard on my legs. They were EXHAUSTED from the get go. I need to stop this cycle of running until my legs are used to it, followed by not running until my legs are used to that - then repeat. Hopefully this morning running is ending this cycle!

So considering this, my abysmal time (no, I still don't really care about my times. That's my philosophy this year) of 27:13 for 3 miles wasn't as horrible as it could be.

Mile 1: 8:56
Mile 2: 9:11
Mile 3: 8:57

Average MPH: 6.6

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