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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I got up! I GOT UP!!!!!!

This post is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.

So, I have spoken often of how I run at night. I enjoy running at night. But, it has the downer of being FAR to easy to derail with anything from being stuck late at work, having to pick up some groceries or a child that got ill. All of these things can make it so I can't run until 8 or 9. I don't like running THAT late as it means I am not sleeping until after midnight.

I have had this idea of getting up and running at 5:30ish in the morning. I know it has alot of advantages. None of the things I mentioned can derail a morning workout - as they are afternoon items. I know that if I run in the morning, I am likely to be more productive quickly - as my coffee becomes a luxury, not an item I need to get moving. It also means that the world is quiet, there is less traffic - which means I am less likely to spend time stopped on corners.

It also means that my favorite part of the day is cut short, or non-existent. I love laying in bed before I have to get up. There are no responsibilities and no one bothering me. I am as snug as a bug in a rug and often have a kitty laying next to me with a purr filled with contentment..

This morning I made the Zoey-kitty unhappy and got out of bed at 5:30. I swear whatever powers that be were trying to make me get back in bed. I went to grab my compression shirt/pants and they weren't there. Found another set. Went to grab my sweat shirt- it wasn't there. Found another one. Went to grab my jacket....you guessed it. Found it - my wife had washed it (she is so awesome.). I found my spare set of gloves (my normal ones fell out of the coat in the wash.). Finally at 6, I was actually ready to go!

I headed out with my new Angry Birds hat to do five miles. Boy my legs didn't want to go! They strongly to running twelve hours earlier then normal running time. They succeeded in catching up with today's plan fairly quickly. Overall the run wasn't too bad and was done at an acceptable pace considering the schedule change.

Here is to hoping I can keep it up!

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