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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Why run in the cold? Because the Zombie apocolypse may not come in summer!

This is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.

I couldn't even find a picture of a Zombie in snow!

Have you ever noticed that all of the zombie movies take place when it is warm out? Well, I think this is NOT indicative of the true threats we face from the Zombie Apocalypse and is filmed this way purely so that we can see the cute actors/actresses in scanty summer clothes. And while I may be okay with watching that on TV, I do believe that our mass media is getting us ill prepared for potential disaster! It is COLD out there for half of the year, and yet we are only prepared for the WARM Zombie apocalypse.

Even those runners that stick to an exercise program throughout the winter by going to a gym and running on a treadmill - are they really prepared? Does that elliptical help? Well, let me remind you about my blog post of several days ago - my ability to run was severely hampered by not being used to the cold. My lungs hurt and I had to stop and catch my breath. Now do you THINK the zombies are going to give you a "time-out?" I THINK NOT!!!

Anyone that has watched ZombieLand knows that Rule #1 is to keep up on the Cardio. I think it needs to be "Cardio in all conditions." Be prepared to out run the Zombies in rain, sleet, snow and blazing hot weather!

So, with this bit of wisdom in mind, I went out running again last night. Though I do have to admit that 30 degrees felt downright balmy compared to the previous days. I went with one sweatshirt less and no Perry the Platypus hat, and was just fine after my body warmed up. I randomly picked my twists and turns and managed to break my "4 mile" streak - I went 5.1 (5.23 according to dailymile)!

This is only useful if you can stay away from the Zombies

As far as how the run went - it was good. My legs were definitely tired from the two previous days (it has been a while since I actually ran this far and this often in a short period) but I had a long talk with them. After explaining to my legs that they might be tired when the Zombies come, and we were going to have to be used to running that way - they agreed to "suck it up buttercup." I kept a decent pace just by listening to how fast my body wanted to run (Still running notification free on the cell phone).

Mile 1: 8:34
Mile 2: 8:49
Mile 3: 9:04 (damn that 5 seconds!)
Mile 4: 8:46
Mile 5: 8:28

I found it interesting that I peaked at 3 miles and then speed up. There was another runner out there (obviously getting prepared for the apocalypse) and our pace was very similar. I think it helped, especially considering how tired my legs were. I finished 5.1 (or 5.23) miles in 44:34.

After out running one wave, its best to be prepared to do it again!"]
 I used my stick when I got home, and with how I feel today - I sure am glad I did. My calves are tired, but not sore. My hamstrings feel fine. I suspect without that wonderful invention (Way better than a foam roller!) I would be hobbling around today! Maybe keeping one of these handy is a good idea for the Zombie Apocalypse too. That way you can use it after you outrun one zombie wave and be better prepared for the next one.

So here's to you! My fellow runners and potential survivors of the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

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