About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.
So, I got home from work yesterday and after checking on the baby status (still no baby from my brother's family) I headed out to run. I knew it was cold - So I put on my compression shirt and pants (that sounds much more manly than "running tights"), lined running pants, work out jacket, shell and the infamous Perry the Platypus hat. I opened the door and started to set up my phone and..


It was 12 degrees degrees out when I left for my run. For my Celsius-smart friends that is -11.1111111111111111 according to Google. No matter how you look at it, after running in 50 degree weather on friday it was REALLY REALLY COLD!!!!!!

Since Storme was able to suck it up and run, I wasn't going to be out done, especially by a GIRL!!! (Note: lots of girls out run me all the time. That line was purely for humor.) So, since she was able to man-up (apparently today is bad gender line day...), I wasn't going to wuss out and be a little girl (and there's another one.) So, off I went. In the first mile, I stopped at both the 1/2 mile and the mile marker to catch my breath. I was breathing through a bandana to warm the air - but I felt as if I was not getting enough oxygen. So, I pulled the bandana down and had freezing cold air coming into my lungs.. And I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. (Damned if I do, Damned if I don't..)

I did finally get that breathing thing under control. When I felt a big gust of wind I would cup my hand over my mouth (so my breath was warming the air I was breathing in)until it passed. Strange, but it worked. After 2 1/2 miles, I got a bad headache, but I kept going. I do have to say, this was NOT my most enjoyable run. I don't know if the headache was due to the cold, dehydration or a combination of the two. I'm hoping it was the dehydration left over from New Years - as that I am remedying by drinking more water!

My phone died a block from home, so I don't have my exact time of finishing. Once it was charged up I was surprised to find Cardio-trainer was still running, so I was able to end the run and have it in my total mileage. Hey that's important ya know!

I am continuing to run without sound notifications (like I would have cared how fast I was running yesterday!)

Mile 1: 9:22
Mile 2: 9:24
Mile 3: 9:20
Mile 4: 9:20
Lets hear it for consistency!

CardioTrainer had my total mileage at 4.29, but it stopped a couple blocks from my house. Daily Mile had the run at 4.5 miles. I just kept praying my wife would get out of work early - and stop and pick me up!

But I finished out the run. And yes. A girl did run by me running faster than I did. I wish I could run like a girl.

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