About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I run.. Because I want to run.

This post is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.

Headed out last night after work. I realized it had been a while since I ran without headphones at all (plus my bluetooth headphones weren't charged,) so I decided a nice run listening to the world around me was in order!

As I wasn't paying attention, I was waaaaay overdressed. I thought it was in the thirties, not the forties out. Luckily an unzipped jacket lets a lot of heat out, but I still stunk to high-heaven when I was done. Strangely my wife didnt' want to hug me when I got home... But I am getting ahead of myself.

Today's run - are the sort that make this true

I decided a nice 5-miler was an order, at no specific pace what so ever. My standard five mile route takes me along my wife's path for her drive home. I won't lie, I have used that to my advantage and hopped a ride at some points. Last night was the sort of run that if she HAD come along I would have just waved hello and kept going. It all felt that good, and I enjoyed every step. About a mile and a half into it, I ran by a runner going the same way I was. Then I ran by them again about 1/2 mile from my house on the way home. He was friendly both times! Runners are some of the coolest people, lets be honest here. I have had bikers swear at me, I have had motorcyclists swear at me.. I have had drivers swear at me.. I've had runners say "Hi!"

Dailymile had the route at 4.95, Cardio Trainer had it at 4.76 miles. Either way, I did it in 43 minutes even.
Cardiotrainer's mileage breakdown:

Mile 1: 9:02
Mile 2: 9:16
Mile 3: 8:55
Mile 4: 9:18.

Not exactly on pace for my dream 3:30 marathon, but still - quite pleased as I enjoyed it! I couldn't find where my stick was - so I am sore today. Man I love that thing.

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