Yesterday was a stressful day in general - so I needed a run. I waited until after the kid's "Dad! I fell out of the boat" classes and headed out from home rather than running from the YMCA (I have yet to find any nice running routes near the YMCA that don't involve more traffic that I like to go by). In Binghamton NY, we don't have much - but we are fortunate to have a great walking bridge. It was a car-bridge originally, so it is black top up the middle with wooden walkways on either side of the structure. I love the "thump thump" of running across the wood planks, and I really enjoy the view up and down the river.
[caption id="attachment_508" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Washington St. Walking bridge in Binghamton NY"]

A buddy of mine had gone to a local track to walk/run laps recently - so I decided on heading over there. He is just starting to run (and found out that there is a difference between a treadmill and a track), and thought I might be able to help him learn to pace a little better. (No, My goal was not to go and show off. I'd never do that (to a new runner). ) Apparently yesterday was a "Treadmill" day, not a "Track" day. But, that was ok! Running up to MacArthur park track was a little nostalgic - back in the day I had done track meets there. In memory of the event I hated, I decided to do a mile (4 laps) around and in the process, I gathered a bit of wisdom. It seems that 4 laps around a track is just as boring at 36 as it was at 16.
After my nostalgic run in circles, I headed back across the walking bridge (enjoying the view), to the West Side of Binghamton. Overall it was a nice easy run, a little pain in my lower calf (Achilles Tendon Area) - probably from my new attempts at running faster. This run was JUST what the doctor ordered, and turned the day right around!
Mile 1: 8:49
Mile 2: 8:34
Mile 3: 8:52
Mile 4: 9:32 <--- I was taking pictures during this mile.
[caption id="attachment_510" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="I love the view of the rivers! This is just past the merging of the Chenango and Susquehanna rivers"]

One of the really nice things about the area of Binghamton I live in - is we have some beautiful houses and buildings. I thought that on my slower runs, I would start taking some pictures to share.
[caption id="attachment_511" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="This house is on Riverside Drive - My wife and I love it!"]

We also have some "old-school" mansions in the area. Most of these that are in the main Binghamton area are now Museums of one sort or another.
[caption id="attachment_512" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="This was the Kilmer Mansion, and is now the "Hanukkah House" - which is part of Temple Concord in Binghamton"]

Beautiful scenery! I can only imagine how wonderful it looks in autumn. :) congrats on sticking to your training too. You're doing great!