You, my dear readers, have undoubtedly seen me write about how I would like to get up and work out in the morning. In addition I am sure you remember my posting about how much I enjoy my sleep - and consequently I do not get up. I had purposely picked the most obnoxious alarm that my phone has - as it is impossible to ignore. Made sense to me as the first step to working out in the morning is to hear the alarm. This is followed by hitting snooze until my wife's alarm goes off, then I turn my alarm off and just listen to hers every 8 minutes. I do enjoy my snoozing peacefully (in 8 minute segments.) This process continues until I have limited my morning to exactly enough time to get up, get dressed and go to work.
After my lovely wife mentioned that she thought it was the most obnoxious alarm ever (it kind of scares us awake), I decided to change it to something a bit calmer. Amazingly, when I am not woken up by being scared half to death - waking up seems a bit more peaceful. My alarm went off at 5:40, I snoozed it once. Then I ran through my before-I-get-out-of-bed stretches/exercises that my Podiatrist gave me (they supposedly help minimize the morning reinjury of the Plantar Faciitis) and got out of bed. I made a small token effort at waking the wife - but she was sleeping like a baby.
(The idea was that if she woke up - we could do the Insanity, otherwise I was going to run/bike. I wasn't just being cruel.)
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I headed out side all psyched up to run!!! Turned on my Cardiotrainer - and for the first time on my Galaxy Nexus I could not get a GPS signal. I rebooted - which always solves it, but not this time. Even my "GPS Status" app - which has NEVER let me down when it comes to getting 7 or 8 satellites - let me down. Well fine, good thing I can just put it all into DailyMile and get an accurate distance!
I tossed on my music, gave up on the GPS signal and headed out. I seriously felt like I could run all morning. I was soooooo tempted to go do three miles and give up on the bike ride, but my memories of my last three-mile run was fresh - especially the memory of the pain that increased at the time. So I held myself down to 1.25 miles (woo hoo! I increased by .10!) and returned home for a quick bike ride.
Watching the time, I decided to do limit myself to three or four miles. I have been very consistent in icing my foot after exercise - "just in case." I didn't wish to stop that trend this morning, so timing was important. My good 'ole Raleigh bike from the 1980s got me through 3.6 miles in 16 minutes (13.1 mph.) While it certainly isn't the most impressive ride ever - it felt good and was wonderful to be out there doing it!
Since my foot is nicely stretched out from running - today is a VFF sort of day. I have found that changing up the shoes I wear has helped my foot. I do have another pair of shoes in the car today - just in case.
I may head back out tonight for another run/ride. Its almost impossible to resist being out in this weather!
[...] Apparently the noise an alarm clock makes, makes a difference (onceandfuturerunner.com) [...]