So, I have not been allowed to run, due to my strained calf muscle - my physical therapist thought it would be wise to actually let it heal. The only running one time in three weeks (which ended with my calf muscle being unhappy again). Well, it hasn't "hurt" in over a week, although it has still felt tight. So yesterday I asked my physical therapist if I could go and run - he told me I should wait until my doctor gave me the o.k.
Well, since I wasn't seeing a doctor (he just gave me a reference to they physical therapist) - I figure it must mean I was good to go! So I figured I would head out for a small run of a 1/2 mile to a full mile - which of course means that I was going to do a mile. So I picked up my son after PT, we got hair cuts (less weight to carry around you know!) and then headed out for a run! The only question ahead of time - was how I was going to limit myself to one
[caption id="attachment_348" align="alignright" width="300" caption="well.. it wasn't raining when my son and I went. and we weren't on a track. And we ran slower than this guy probably did. But other than that it was JUST like that!"]

mile and stay there (you runners that read this understand.) Well, my son and I went out and ran it barefoot! I figured it was a good way to work on my form, as well as making sure I didn't over-do it.
It felt great.
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