Note: I am excited! Yesterday I had the second most page views ever for my blog! The only time I topped it was back in march - when I let people know I had a blog, and everyone checked it out - simply from curiosity on what I would write! Now I just have to figure out how to get more commenters! Thank you for reading!
So, I have started reading a wide assortment of blogs online. From "
Caution: Redhead Running" (the adventures of a currently injured runner, but her past stories of running are quite good) to "
The Running Laminator" - a Dr. that explains some of the medical aspects to running, yet still does stupid things like running two marathons in one weekend (to be fair he pushes himself and documents things quite well - very good reading.) and just started reading "
Silly Girl Running" tonight. The problem I am finding, is most blogging runners seem to be younger, in their twenties. Unfortunately, I have not had the privilege of retaining my age of the last decade of life, immortality has escaped me. I and am now in the latter half of my mid thirties. It makes a difference.
I am finding that I don't recover as well as I did in my lower twenties, and nor does my body forgive me as quickly for deciding to go out and do something stupid. This is slowly coming home for me - and I am trying to do less stupid things. This has been a partial success thus far, as I seem to be substituting one stupid thing for another. (ie: only running a mile to give my calf a chance to recover, but stupidly doing it fast and barefoot.) I seem to have some issues with the "common sense" department when it comes to figuring out what is acceptable and what is not the brightest of ideas. This is becoming a bigger problem as more time goes by, as the "penalty" for being wrong - it hurts more, and a causes more down time.
[caption id="attachment_394" align="alignleft" width="202" caption="I think this guy passed me in my last 5k.."]

I am hoping to trip across a treasure trove of mid to late 30 runners, trying to relearn how to run. I have found some, but it seems to primarily be barefoot runners. Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against that, but it is not going to be my primary focus. I have also found blogs for runners in their 50s, but their obstacles are different from those that I have been encountering thus far. Anyone have any good sources of running blogs of mid to late 30's runners and the issues we face as we discover we aren't as young as we used to be?
oh.. And if they happened to discuss recovering from injuries and running a marathon 5 months later - that would be bonus..