I did take a week or so off, as my knees and IT band were bothering me. I suspect the jumping back into running like I hadn't ever stopped - wasn't my smoothest move. Since I don't want to repeat my annual injury story, I thought some rest and recuperation might be in order!
[caption id="attachment_2576" align="aligncenter" width="294"]

That brings us back to last week. On the 24th (WEds.) I headed out for a four mile run. I started it out later than usual, and took a route that went along a fairly busy road... And I wasn't wearing reflective gear. All this lead up to me jumping into the shrubs a few times, just to make sure I didn't die. (For the record, I am against dying.) The run itself was nice though. I headed out in my five fingers and really enjoyed it. The last mile, I felt the outside of my right hip really tighten up. From my reading - this is the IT Band, but I could be wrong. I took this as a sign that I should probably keep my runs under 3 miles for a while, as my body gets used to it.
[caption id="attachment_2573" align="aligncenter" width="490"]

I have a fairly nice loop that is around 2.25 miles, which met my goals nicely. No major elevation changes - which could be a problem long-term, but is nice for now. That was my path on the 26th and 27th. Not a great running week over all, as I only put in 8 miles. While that does annoy me, I think that building up my base is important - and really, It was only half a week. I am expecting 10-13 miles this week, but won't be to upset if I hold back because my body tells me so.
My pace has been pretty good (which may be part of the outer hip stiffness/tightness/pain).
April 24th - 4.2 miles - 37:45 (8:59 mile)
April 26th - 2.3 miles - 19:24 (8:26 mile)
April 27th 2.3 miles, 19:01 (8:16 mile)
All of the runs were just at the pace my body wanted to go. No focusing on going slower or faster. No where near my needed 6:25/mile that I need for my "under 20 5k goal"" - but that is a long-term goal, so that's fine too!
I am just glad to be out there putting one foot in front of the other!
Hey! I just got back to running and I'm taking it a bit slow in order to avoid injuries. My hip has been tight too, but gets better with every run and every foam rolling session. Do you stretch often? It helps me a lot with my hips. And a beach-cation sounds great right about now. :D