I gathered up my sidekicks....and then stopped. See, my sidekicks were going to ride their bikes and keep me company. Well, it seems that boy-child's bike kept popping the chain off! Well, some quick surgery on the bike and THEN we were off!
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It was a beautiful 81 degrees and sunny! I had mapped out a nice easy (only one turn) route with wide sidewalks so I knew the kids had plenty of room. It seems that everyone and their brother also realized how beautiful it was! My kids did a fantastic job of dodging people/walkers/runners/dogs while staying with me on their bikes. Also, neither of them ran into me - which I consider an important success!
I am definitely not used to breathing hot air - and no that is NOT A complaint! Just a statement that I need to let my body adjust and get used to it! The legs were definitely whining to me about being out there - they were tired and just wanted to put their feet up. They may have mentioned something about Mai Tai's too, but I'm not sure.. I couldn't hear them clearly over my heavy and tired breathing.
The pace was good (8:34), though Daily Mile put it at 7:30ish as it added another 1/2 mile to the distance when I uploaded it.
I assure you, I did not run a 7:30 pace for 3 miles... I know I didn't, because I'm not dead.
This morning, I can definitely feel my legs continuing their quiet whining - but its not to bad. I had debated getting up at 5 for another 3 miles, but changed my mind. I think walking around today will help to loosen everything up, which will make tonight's run easier than a morning run would have been. Plus, my kids enjoy the bike ride!
And now for the Numbers:

That third mile was a wee bit slower - because my daughter (the social butterfly) had to chat with one of her friends at a playground we passed.
You notice there isn't much in the way of elevation change here - it seems this part of Maryland doesn't have any hills! I am going to have to figure out somewhere I can go to get hill workouts in.

And at the end - my legs finally got their wish as I collapsed onto the couch (after stretching, I assure you) to drink water and rest/rehydrate!
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