Alexander Abbey took this picture in Boston on the mornin of 4/15/2013, the day of the __ Running of the Boston Marathon, without knowing what the day had to hold.
My heart goes out to the victims. To those that died, to those that were injured, and even to those who's dream of crossing the finish line at the Boston Marathon for the first time was denied to them today.
I thought of all of these people. Those that Ran. Those that witnessed this tragedy. Those that were injured. Those that died. Those that will have to wait and hope for another chance to complete a dream, while being thankful they were not injured. Last night I thought of these people, and will do so with every run this week. I will remember how luck we are to have the opportunities to continue to go out and put one foot in front of the other.
As a runner who is planning to finish their first marathon this year, the picture that Alexander took, speaks to me. It reminds me to not let fear rule me. To not allow a coward and his act of terrorism to keep me from my dreams and that which I love.
No matter what, I will keep calm and marath on."
Nice. Run for those who never made it.