Over on Detroit Runner's blog (you should stop by and read - he is training for the detroit marathon)- he had a contest for an ifitness belt for free (donated by ifitness.) It helps you carry your phone, wallet, fuel, what ever else you stick on it to keep with you in a non-chafing way. I am a big fan of not chaffng.
[caption id="attachment_808" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Screen Shot of the ifitness website product page. (http://www.ifitnessinc.com/products.htm)"]

I have fired off an email to Jeff over at Detroit Runner - After it arrives and I get to test it out - I will post a review here!
Another great thing? THE KIDS STARTED SCHOOL AGAIN!!! I don't think I need to elaborate on THAT one...
Now, its not great in the sense that I am all healed and can go running, but I found some great information online for calf strains. "physiobob.com" has a forum where patients can ask questions and get answers. I found a thread titled "Ripped Calf Muscle recovery final stages..." Since I am pretty sure mine is simply strained, not ripped, the final recovery portion of the title lead me to think there might be some good info. I was not wrong!! I will quote "physiofixme" directly.
You have two main calf muscles...the gastrocnemius (which is in two parts) and the soleus. It will Depend on which one you have torn as to which exercises you should do. However: if you do a combination of:
1. Soleus stretches (hold 2 x 30 seconds)
2. Gastrocnemius stretches (hold 2 x 30 seconds)
3. Calf raises. Standing flat foot and raise up on to your toes on both feet, and lower. Repeat 3x15 repetitions 2 times daily. Once this is free of discomfort then..
4. Single leg calf raises. 3x15 2 times daily (as above but on one leg). Once you can do this with no discomfort, do....
5. Eccentric lowering off a step. Stand with the ball of your feet on a step and your heels over the back. (make sure you are holding a rail or the wall) Raise on your toes on two feet and slowly lower, dropping your heels below the level of the step. Return to start position. Repeat 3x15 2 times daily. Once you can do this comfortably ....
6. As above but raise up on two feet and then slowly lower just on one.
THEN you can start running. This may take a few weeks. Do this 4-5 times a week.
This was a GREAT listing of things for me - so I have started off doing #1, #2, #3 and #4. Hopefully by doing these exercises I can strengthen and stretch out my calf muscles and prevent this constant reoccurrence of strained calf muscles!
I had also been debating doing the elliptical at the YMCA, as it seemed it might be easier on the calf. After researching the advice on this site, as well as some others I found, it seems that the calf/Achilles is used on an elliptical. I stuck with the stationary bike.
So exercise wise - I did 35 minutes on the stationary bike last night, pedalling my way into 9 miles. It felt good to be getting some exercise! I also think that the stationary bike may be less boring than the treadmill. No bouncing, which means you can read or watch netflix on your android-smartphone!
I think Sept. is going to be a GREAT month!
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