Well, it has now been 2 months and 4 days since my surgery, and 5 (or so) months since I was in my last stages of running - when I was able to run through the pain. Because of the short time frame, a part of me feels that I should still be able to go out and run 13 miles like I did in November. Unfortunately, my body doesn't agree. When you add in the trying a new running style, and completely different running shoes - my body REALLY doesn't agree.
So, I am attempting to take it slowly this time. I learned last saturday that trying to run 4 miles in the VFFs at this point was a huge mistake. I found this out at 2.4 miles, when I came off the top of a large hill turned a corner to head down hill - and my right calf was in agony.
This might be a good time to pause and mention that I have the greatest wife in the world. No seriously. I have heard other husbands say it, but my wife got up from a nap, gathered the kids into the car - and came and picked me up - 2.4 miles from home. After finding out I could still walk we did some grocery shopping -but still.. This woman came and saved me a long painful walk home. I have the greatest wife in the world... Now back to the subject at hand.
So, considering I have basically tried to do the same thing a couple of times and ended up with bad results, I thought I might try something different. I am cutting back my attempts at mileage in the VFFs. Today I did 3 miles on the Dread-Mill in my Asics. I wanted to run further, but my calf was a little sore even before I ran, so I didn't. I wanted to run in my VFFs, but figured 3 miles in those would be a bad idea. My goal was to run 2 to 3 miles, then see if I felt well enough to do a mile or so in my VFFs. I wanted to, but decided discretion was the better part of valor.
So maybe tomorrow, before doing my cardio work out, a mile or so in the VFFs might be in order. But for tonight, finishing off the evening with a wonderful sandwich! Hummus, chicken, swiss cheese, green peppers, onions, cucumbers, sprouts and lettuce inside of a whole wheat pita! (I may not take the best pictures of food -but it was tasty!

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