The inclusion of the word short in the title above, in no way represents any sort of insult or negative connotation toward short people. For the record, some of my favorite people are short. I believe that a person's height has no bearing on their having reasons to live, or their honesty. I enjoy having short people 'round here.
So my alarm went off at 5:30 am. (It seems some idiot has set their alarm for this ungodly hour.) I had planned better the night before, and knew right were all of my running gear was. I sat up - and realized that I was a bit sore from my bowflex workout last night (that is a good thing.) I tried to decide if I had time to run AND do bowflex, and quickly realized I did not. Then I tried to decide which I should do.
Running won. I continue to have some fear about running. The fact of the matter is - Plantar Fasciitis hurts. On the days it hurts more (due to my having run that day or the day before), it hurts more. These thoughts do run through my head right now, when I think about running. Its kind of the same way I feel about chocolate pie from Wegmans.. I like it - but if I think about the ramifications of eating it - I don't like it...
I decided I wanted to keep it down to about 2 miles today, as I search for "the" distance that I can run, and suffer the least ill-effects. I strapped on my shoes (after putting on my arch support), with only the doctor-made orthotic. (It occurred to me that having an additional orthotic - while it did help initially - may be defeating the effectiveness of the one "made" for me.) I also immediately iced it when I got home (and brought the ice pack to work so I can do it throughout the day.)
I'm not going to post my usual graphs today, as it was not quite a two mile run. I came in with 1.89 miles, in 15:48. (an 8:20/mile pace if you were wondering)
It felt nice, although I could feel my lack of running in my breathing.. and muscles.. and self-confidence... LOL, but seriously - it was awesome to be out there. We will see how I feel later and tomorrow. If the distance is ok on my foot - I am wondering if a morning and evening run is a possibility.
About Me

- Once and Future Runner
- I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"
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