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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On the road again… I just can’t wait to get on the road again…

This is a re-post from: http://oddfutures.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/on-the-road-again-i-just-cant-wait-to-get-on-the-road-again/ - the original location of my blog.
So, on my before-last post - I was talking about doing the couch to 5k.. And here is what I discovered.

I can't do it.

It was BOOOOORRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! And exceedingly aggravating. Now Mind you, I'm not saying it isn't a good choice for a new runner - but to go out there and "jog" (I'm notajogger either!!!!) for only a minute, and then walk for a minute and a half (and repeat until you hit 20 minutes)- when I know I can just run the entire 20 minutes.... I couldn't do it.

Now, I am not giving up the idea of "Starting over" however. I think THAT is necessary for me. But - I have had good luck in 2010 - when I set up my own running plan, and based it off of what my body was telling me - rather than sticking to a piece of paper. With that in mind - I headed out last night for a 2 mile run (not a jog.. a run.) I kept it slow - as my goal

[caption id="attachment_945" align="alignleft" width="229" caption="picture from: http://www.makeuptalk.com"][/caption]

here is to build up, and did it in just under 20 minutes. After I got home I did some calf stretches and exercises (stand flat-footed, raise yourself up on to your toes. Do this 10 times. Then repeat the process twice more) to help strengthen my calves as I progress. I plan on skipping the pulled calves and other sources of calf pain this time around.

The run felt REALLY good. I ran by my old Cross Country coach Brian Hyland (not the same one that wrote "itsy bitsy teeney weeney yellow polka dot bikini") as he was yelling at his team to run faster. I couldn't resist responding (I was RIGHT next to him as he yelled it) - "I'm old, I don't have to run fast anymore." I love seeing the kids out running - it brings me back. Plus Brian is an INCREDIBLE coach, I give him total credit for my love or running. But back to my run - I kept the pace nice and easy, and it felt really good. I could feel a tightness in my left shins, but no sign of painful shin splints.

[caption id="attachment_946" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Just roll the ball around. Its like a massage!"][/caption]

The bottom of my right foot was tight - but I blame that on running in a brand new pair of VFF Bikilas (my old ones are almost worn through). I rolled the bottom of my foot using the golf-ball trick. A little soreness today, but nothing that I would count as pain.. Just a reminder I have been a lazy bum for a while.

So this weekend is supposed to be my "running of the Marine Corps Marathon" - but that isn't happening. I do plan on checking out the expo - and getting my packet (I didn't defer in time) to see what sort of stuff comes in one. (I will post pictures.) I'm also looking forward to seeing how they set it up and planning the logistics for my marathon run next year. I am also planning on running while I am there (I better - it's for four days), but I know I am going to be jealous of the "marathoners" that are out doing small runs before the "Big day." Its ok though, my day will come.

My kids have never been to D.C., so I think they are really going to enjoy the monuments and the museums. We will be in D.C. for part of friday, saturday and sunday. Things we are looking at trying to get to:
  1. The Marine Corps Marathon Expo --- I want to see that much "Runner's Porn" in one place.
  2. The National Spy Museum. - My wife wanted to see this when we went to D.C. on our honeymoon - so it's a priority!
  3. National Zoo - because, who doesn't like animals? And while our local zoo isn't bad for a small town -it certainly can't compare to the national zoo!
  4. Monuments - Especially the Washington Monument. My son really wants to see that. I feel that every american needs to see the Vietnam War Memorial.T
  5. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - this should also be a requirement for all americans.
  6. Smithsonian Air and Space Museum - Because what nine-year old boy wouldn't think this is AWESOME?
  7. Some art museum (my wife is an Art's Management major)
  8. The National Archives - so the kids can see the founding documents of this great country.
It should be a fun weekend!

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