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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Monday, October 10, 2011

Marine Corps Marathon... 2012.

So, after speaking with a a bunch of people over the weekend, I think I have decided I am going to defer my running of the Marine Corps. Marathon.  I have just had too many injuries/illnesses and set backs this year.  I seriously can't tell you how bummed I am -  But I do want my first marathon to be fun. I run because I enjoy it, and while I think I could finish the MCM - I suspect that the majority of it wouldn't be fun.  We will still be going down to Washington that weekend - as the Hotel Reservations are "non-refundable."  The kids,wife and I will have a good time at the Museums and Monuments.  Plus by getting to see the lay-out of how they do things - will let us plan for next year.

So, For next year I am planning on doing the MCM, But I think I might do the Wine Glass Marathon as well. Its a local one that is the first week of October, giving 3-4 weeks between the two of them.  I also want to find a spring/summer Marathon (The Bluenose International is on my Birthday Weekend - May 20th) - as it is going to drive me nuts that I didn't run the one I had planned.  In fact, it will do so until I actually complete a marathon (Silly, I know.)  Anyone have any good suggestions for the East coast?  I am also thinking I need to look at the running calendar for 2012- I am also going to set a goal of at least one race a month.  Also accepting suggestions here!

But on a good note - I see this as a great opportunity to "Start Over."  I am going to begin running again, as a non-runner.  I am going to do short distances and slowly build everything up. I am tired of being injured and un-able to run and I think that starting from scratch - and building everything back up - may help.

This weekend - no running per the doctor's orders. I get the bone scan done on my leg tomorrow. It isn't a sharp pain anymore, but there is still a dull ache going on.  I am looking forward to seeing what is happening - as then I can plan out my "do over."

Running Diva Mom - Picture from the SHAPE Contest Website.
 On an even happier note - one of the blogs I read has been nominated for a "Top 20 Blogs for Fitness Junkies" -  Please consider stopping by and voting for "Running Diva Mom" -- here is the Link for the Voting.  You might also want to consider clicking on the "Running Diva Mom" and reading the blog - as it's a pretty good read!

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