I have read about "compression shorts" - and thought to myself that I needed a pair for my longer runs. I don't have skinny thighs and in my longer runs - I would end up with some chaffing. Nothing to major, but it was uncomfortable.
This concerned me a bit - especially as I am training for a run that was about 3-4 times as long as my longest runs at the time. If 6-7 miles left me slightly chafed, what was 26 miles 385 yards going to do to me???
My buddy Dustin (he is training to run the Marine Corps Marathon with me) has used compression shorts all along on his long runs. (I guess in addition to being stronger than I am - he may be smarter too!) Well I finally broke down and bought a pair. I'm cheap - so I got them from Wal-Mart for $10.
I think compressions shorts may be one of the greatest things ever created for runners. Seriously. These things rank right up there with Vibram Five Fingers in my opinion. But, I do want to stress one thing. NO ONE should EVER wear compression shorts without other shorts over them unless they are on a bike. I mean literally ON a bike. If you are going to get off a bike and walk around in them - PUT SHORTS ON OVER THEM!!! (No one wants to see your junk.) There are very few people who can wander around in these things and not make other people feel slightly ill. One of the easy ways to know if this applies to you - is do you question if it might apply to you? If so, don't do it.
I mention this so that you realize I run with compression shorts - but with other shorts on over them. This allows me the benefit without making everyone else pay for it.
I haven't ever tried a pair of "good" compression shorts - only cheapies from Wal-Mart. I may pick up a good pair to see if there is any difference - but I don't suspect that they are 4 times as good as the Wal-Mart ones (since the price is four times as much.)
To any new runners out there that don't own a pair? GO GET THEM FOR YOUR LONG RUNS!!!! You will thank me for it after your next 10 miler.