I posted last week that I have begun weight training. The unfortunate scheduling aspect of working & lifting is that the timing only works if I get my lazy butt up and run in the morning. (This will mean getting up at ~4 am on some of the long Wednesday runs closer to the marathon.)
Now, understand. I hate getting out of bed. No - seriously. The best part of the day is the laying there with no concerns, cuddled up in the warm blankets, often with a warm kitty purring like a motor next to me. Sometimes one of the kids (and sometimes both thing 1 and thing 2 come in) will come cuddle up with dear-old-dad as well. So, you can see why I have problems leaving this Nirvana I face every morning.
Well, this morning I did indeed, leave this wonderful cuddly feeling. Maybe it was driven by the memory of lifting yesterday - encouraging me to get up and run so that I can lift tomorrow. Maybe it is due to the fact that I started watching may calories again - making me more aware of caloric burn. Or Just maybe, It is me growing a little more responsible (ok, ok.. I admit this one is unlikely.. Stop laughing and pick yourself up off the floor. I'll wait.)
Regardless of why - I was awake at five, and headed out into the bright early morning. I was fortunate enough to learn another new lesson today, running the day after a leg-workout is rough! "The Plan" had me written in for a 3 mile run today, so a 3 mile run it was! (See mom? I CAN follow directions!) Runners in the morning are much more friendly than afternoon/evening runners. Smiles, head nods - and even a brief yelled conversation (ok, this one was with a neighbor - but still a runner!)
I started into the first mile, and as I headed up the slight hill I start most runs with - I noticed it seemed a bit harder than usual. I rounded the top of it and continued on and noticed my legs were tired! After some slight confusion (the ten mile run was 2 days ago!!!) I recalled that I did a leg workout on the weights last night. That explained the feeling in my legs, so after the first mile I decided to slow down and just enjoy the run. The crisp (and humid) morning air, is much different from the hot (and humid) evening air, definitely a nice change! Far easier to breathe in and out and I wasn't immediately covered in sweat! My splits weren't to bad:
Mile 1: 8:39
Mile 2: 8:40 (<-- see? I slowed down!)
Mile 3: 8:11
For Monday's week-in-review, this is what the plan should have looked like:
5 | Rest | 3 miles | 5 miles | 3 miles | Rest | 10 | cross |
This is what it DID look like:
5 | Rest | read a book | 5 m run/wgt lift | 3 m run | Rest | 10 | do nothing |
Not to badly off, as I got the ten mile run in - but still didn't follow it as I should. Maybe this week?
Sunday I was going to be doing the Kelly LaBare 5K Run/Walk this weekend, but it looks like I may be camping with my son and another child instead.
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good job early bird! I know the feeling - i hate getting out of my bed in the early hours of the morning, but im glad you did it. :) morning runners are definitely more friendly than runners at any other time of day. i think its because we all understand that we decided NOT to stay in bed that am and made the choice to run instead. i love the camaraderie in the morning. also, you're doing a good job of following the plan. i think that rest days and cross training days are interchangeable, and it all just depends on how you're feeling that week or what else is going on. keep up the great work!
ReplyDelete[...] saw this image on a fellow blogger’s site (check him out — he’s marathoning, too!), and I had to re-post it since I can, uh, [...]
ReplyDeleteI loved Born to Run and my VFF! They have both served me well in my own marathon training. :) You luck with your running!