So my run for yesterday was a nice evening run with my friend Dustin. Now, you have to understand - Dustin is built somewhat like a linebacker from a football team then a runner. The fact he is willing to tackle (get it?) the Marine Corps Marathon is an amazing thing. I know that runners come in all shapes/sizes - but there is a "runners-build" we think of - and line backer ain't it! He and I met up and went over to a local park for the 6 mile run that "the plan" had on
[caption id="attachment_675" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Then Abebe Bikila!"]

the books for me.
It was a nice run - except for one thing. On Tuesday, he had done a major "core" workout. He did Sit-ups, and other ab exercises as well as working his hip-flexor really well. Have you ever tried to run with sore, tired and pained hip-flexors? He held up well and managed five miles of it before he hit the point of wanting to curl up into a little ball. He didn't let any one hear him whimper, and walked back to the car in a manly fashion. I finished the six miles around the lake and met back up with him.
The pace was slow - but we were trying to do what he could keep up with (considering the hip flexor) and kept a great conversation the whole way. We stopped and walked when he needed it, kept an average of 5 miles per hour.
Now it may not have been the nicest of things - but I did let him know that he was going to have to do better than 5 mph if I was going to stay with him on Oct. 30th. (Does this make me a bad person?) I will stay with his pace at 6 mph, but not at 5. I suspect if I go at it alone, I can manage an 8:45/mile pace (at this point), but I think it would be a better experience with company.
My Achiles Tendon is still tight. I did the last mile at around 9 mph, and it actually moved from tight to sore during that run. I really need to figure out what to do about that.
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