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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mileage and days spent running..

A couple of weeks ago I posted that I was feeling guilty not running, even though it was a rest day.  At the time I was really trying to get used to my Vibram Five Fingers - and would do a long run, a shorter run and then a rest day.  It was pointed out to me that - if you are doing mileage correctly, you could run six days in a row before a rest day.  Now, this isn't necessarily true when starting from scratch (or when recovering from surgery), but it seemed like it might be a good thing for me to look at - especially since I was finally able to get my mileage up over 20 miles/week for the first time since last November.

So, I have decided that this week, i am going to head out and do 6 days of 4 mile runs.  I figure its a nice short (relatively) distance - so that shouldn't be a factor.  It also has the benefit of keeping me above my 20 mile/week total (Now that I've reached it I really don't want to give that up!)  I have successfully gone 3 days in a row so far, but I have run into an interesting problem.  I have headed out knowing I was going to do "only" 4 miles and not a longer run, despite my desire to do one. Well, this seems to cause me to run to fast.  I then slow it down and my speed slowly creeps back up.  I did better last night then the ones before as I used my head phones - which lets me hear the times/mileage - but overall it was still to fast for a nice easy slow run.

While I did feel a sense of accomplishment when I realized I had averaged a 7 minute and 55 second mile for a 4.6 mile run, it was not part of my "plan" for this week.  Consequently, my calves and quads are a bit more tired after 3 days of running than I might have hoped for.  I am not letting this change my overall plan however and I will continue to do all six days of running 4 miles or more.  It seems like a good goal, though I do miss the idea of having my long run. That day is one of the most satisfying ones.  But its only one week - so it will be ok, as long as I can keep myself from going and doing one anyway.

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