So last week, I decided to head out for my second 7.5 mile run of the week (in my FIRST 20 mile week since my surgery!!!) The interesting thing, was within the first mile I had 3 different cars beep and wave! Later on in the run - another one did. The cars were moving faster than I were, albeit - not by much (you believe this right?), but faster none the less - so I was unable to see who it was. However, as I was running - it was very encouraging and helped perk me up a bit. To be honest - the intial ones perked me up so well - that I really enjoyed the run and smiled a good portion of the way!
Different things can perk people up or make them feel good about themselves. I know I love hearing from people - "I saw you out running yesterday!" But a beep and a wave WHILE I am running - turns out that is even better. It can take a good run, and make it great.
Ironically.. My wife drove by on her way to work, and did NOT beep and wave... Can you feel the love?
(In her defense, our horn isn't in the middle of the steering wheel. She said she hit the airbag as she went by...)
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