So, I did go for my run.. and it felt AWESOME!!!!!! that is... until around 1.8 miles. I had been running a nice steady 6.5 mph, enjoying the run - and watching for wet flower petals on the ground (those things are worse than ice as far as slipperiness is concerned!) Really felt good to be out there - no headphones, just enjoying the sounds of things going on.
Around mile 1.5, my left calf started feeling a little tight. I stopped and walked, using a nearby tree to strech it out, and went to a slow jog. at 1.8, it got really tight. I decided that discretion was the better part of valor and switched over to a walk. After I got home, I iced it for 20 minutes before heading out to cubscouts.
[caption id="attachment_342" align="alignright" width="128" caption="I'm VERY proud of my new Bear scout!"]

After returning from scouts (where my son got his Bear patch! Webelos here we come!) I used my foam roller to work some of it out. I am not sure it worked anything out - but it hurt... and then hurt less.. After I got up this morning, my good friend the foam roller came out of the closet again.
So, It looks like I am not running for the next few days. It seems my loft goal of 2 to 3 miles was too lofty. I remember going through this with my right leg as I got used to my Vibrams. If I recall from then, my Asics were much easier on
[caption id="attachment_344" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Get it? Its an injured Calf!"]

my calves (duh) then my VFFs, so it looks like those are coming out of the closet again. I'm not to worried about this keeping me from doing the Marine Corps Marathon at this point (164 days to go!), but I am 23 weeks out - and my "program" I plan on following starts at 18 weeks. So I definitely need to stop this injuring myself crap.