It's funny to me, that you often read about people who stop their work outs while traveling. Now this DOES make sense to me if you are staying at cousin Vinny's house. I'm willing to bet some pretty good money that Vinny doesn't have a small gym set up for anytime he has visitors.
One of the nice things about staying at a hotel - is that most of them DO have some sort of gym and pool. Now, I admit I have found out here in the Washington D.C. area - that the pool is not the least bit useful to work out in. There will be no doing laps when busloads of children are in there enjoying their summer vacation! But this hotel does have a small gym. For my purposes - it has a treadmill, which is what I need to re-start my running hobby. I can't say how much I have missed it. Those miles do seem a lot longer than I remember however... :)
This morning I bumped the distance up to 2.5 miles. My foot with the Plantar Faciitis doesn't seem to be bothering me any more than when I don't run, which I am VERY Pleased about. I am running with my orthotics in, and often with a stretchy thing around the arch of my foot as well. Oh, and a regular dose of alleve - and icing if it is more noticeably painful.
I know some people who only run every few days due to pain. I am hoping I won't have to go to that level, and I am going to TRY to take it easy as I work on my running. I have had nothing but problems when I have ramped up the distance/speed to quickly. Hopefully I notice at the time if I am doing to-much-to-soon. I miss my Vibrams, running in them is always a joy, but I will take the Saucony Kinvara 2 with orthotics if that keeps me running. It beats NOT running while limping badly in Vibram Five Fingers, but I do have hope that as I get the Plantar Faciitis to go away - that I can return to my loved VFFs.
Maybe I can get orthotics for my five fingers...
Is it possible to get orthotics for vibrams?!?! Because...that would be awesome. I really want to get another pair of vibrams; I haven't bought another since I ran a hole in my first pair on 2010. :-/